Okay, enough already.


Other than my two previous posts in the other forums I am fine. I don't hold grudges, not like i had a grudge to hold in the first place. I said my part and am cool from there.


New Member
Well, after reading this thread and the SB poll, I just have to say that's a whole lotta shit over one member who doesn't know when to shut up.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
I'll say this much...I haven't been here long, but I have seen a few things that disturb me about sb's fairness. I, however, believe that everyone deserves a second chance.


New Member
I haven't kept track, but I think we're in the two digit numbers as far a chances go.


Out-freaking-standing OTC member
For those of you who think that sbCanada has been unfairly singled out for any kind of undue attention, I suggest you read his posts before you judge the rest of us. Not just a few of them...ALL of them. Although he hasn't personally attacked me, I have found some of the things he's posted to be quite offensive and biased. Perhaps you will, too. This does not, however, mean that I want him, or any of his other aliases, banned, as I DO feel that anyone can be taught, provided that they WANT to learn. If he is sincere then, by all means, let him stay, but...if he returns to his old ways, ban his IP. This will effectively ban him, and any of his aliases.


New Member
I agree with most of what's been said, especially by Unc. Believe it or not, I don't hate you sb. Hate is a very strong word reserved for people that I have much stronger feelings for than you. But I do have a very good memory and I hope the admin will too the next time something happens.

When you screw up, you deal with the consequences. That's life, get used to it. If there were no consequences when you screw up, what would make you refrain from doing it again? When their children are bad, parents punish them. Since you were acting like a child, I don't see anything wrong with what we did. It was theraputic for me in a way. If you had called me a stupid fat bitch like you did in any other thread, I might have taken offense to it. But now that I see what you're all about, I laughed about it instead of getting angry. And about going down to that level... it seems to be the only thing that's made an impression so far-it was worth it.

Not many people get second, third, fourth chances in life. You might want to remember that and not take advantage of the extreme generosity here. I have a creeping feeling that you're testing them on purpose to see how many times you can be forgiven before you get banned. I hope that's not the case but I also hope the admin is prepared to put a stop to that. The amount of chances he's been given are enough and more than anyone else would, or should, expect.

Rock on. :headbang:


New Member
Originally posted by Gato_Solo
if he returns to his old ways, ban his IP. This will effectively ban him, and any of his aliases.

It's not that easy, I'm afraid. Although banning me will not be neccessary.


New Member

...if he returns to his old ways, ban his IP. This will effectively ban him, and any of his aliases.

Yup, sbcanada has a point, it's not that easy (but let's hope he sticks by his word and it never comes to that) ;)

If the "banned" person has a dynamic IP, coming back is as easy as re-logging on. If they have a static IP, there's countless Proxy servers out there they could easily use to mask their real IP.

To ban ones IP is only effective on newbies, or those who get the point :cool:


Staff member
I'm gonna go out on a limb now and say that we have had about 24 hours of peace and love on this board now, and hopefully things will stay that way, I notice that someone has been making an effort. :)

In case of need however, I leave it to you the expert Bink, if you say that won't work, it won't work. In lieu of that, might I suggest everyone simultaneously hitting the ignore button? Problem solved :D

Peace :cool: