Okay, here's the rub ...


Well-Known Member
This CO pol posts an office humor page on a website and gets the mayor's panties all in a bunch. When he tells her to pull it down she resigns in protest; but the mayor has the webmaster take it down anyway so her protest had no teeth.

So the question is: Was this such a big deal; or was it merely politically incorrect; or was the mayor afraid the representatives of all the offended groups would come down on him; or was it actually that friggin' offensive? Does it offend you, in particular?

Here is the story:


Colorado Councilwoman Resigns After Refusing to Remove Offensive Joke From Web Site
Sunday, December 09, 2007

A city councilwoman in Dacono, Colo., has resigned from her post after the mayor of the town said a joke she posted to a community Web log was racist and asked her to remove it from the Web site, MyFoxColorado reported Friday.

The page-long joke, posted by councilwoman Sandra Tucker, described the tale of a white male who has a "nightmare" in which he wakes up to discover that he has "been turned" black, gay, Jewish and disabled. The joke uses terms such as "negro," "queer" and "fairy," and also pokes fun at orphans, Mexicans, Jews, HIV-positive patients, drug addicts and those with physical disabilities.

The punch line of the joke comes when the person having the nightmare also finds out he is a Democrat, a "fate worse" than all the rest.

Click here to read the joke (Warning: Contains Offensive Content).

Dacono Mayor Wade Carlson said the joke was offensive and asked Tucker to remove it from Tri-town.com , a message board serving the community. Tucker refused, and instead resigned in protest.

Carlson told MyFoxColorado that he did not want Tucker to resign.

The forum moderator removed the post at the mayor's request, the television station reported.

Click here for a video report of this story at MyFoxColorado.
The funniest jokes usually contain truth. That one was funny.

Free speech protects you from the government thugs.

Unless you are a gov't thug.
I didn't find it funny at all. Of course, I didn't find it offensive, either. It looks to me like one of those times people are looking for ways to get rid of you because you're an idiot, and you provide them with the ammunition... :shrug:
I'm not saying it's a bad joke... I'm saying that in thsi day and age, where you can get fired for what you post on your myspace profile, it wasn't too smart to post that.
The majority is being silenced.


hmmm the president (and most CEOs) are about as white, stragiht, male, blah, blah, bloah, as... you are.

yep nothing as hilarious as the most empowered group of people on the planet whining about disenfranchisement.

*kinda pathetic.*
The crowd that enforces politically correct language & actions are silencing the majority. Lawyers & Special interest groups are using guilt & public ridicule to silence the majority. Instead of having an opinion & stating it, we preface it by IMHO or some similar horseshit. People are getting fired for having opinions. People are being sued for having opinions. People are berated for having opinions.

We've traded in free speech to those who think we can all get along if we don't upset the apple cart. Politicians don't want to lose votes. CEOs don't want to make waves with their clients.

It's boring.
boring, most certainly.

gee gonz, i'm not feeling particularly oppressed. but, then, i don't live in the armpit of america AKA indiana. :rofl:
I don't allow myself to be oppressed. I also don't have a job where my opinion can get me canned. Not that it would matter much. I thrive on controversy.
formally/technically, yes. but you'd laboring for shit and ass per hour if it weren't for the historical influence of them fuckers.
Yes, I would. They had a place in history. Today, and for about 40 years, they're nothing but beauracracy revisted.
Yes, I would. They had a place in history. Today, and for about 40 years, they're nothing but beauracracy revisted.

The unions had their heyday and they are now an anachronism, an obsolete proviso in time. Everything they stood for has been codified into law. Today, they exist as a purely political entity which tells the rank and file how, and for whom, to vote.
formally/technically, yes. but you'd laboring for shit and ass per hour if it weren't for the historical influence of them fuckers.

Joe Q. Idiot manages to ruin every good thing. Unions started out as a good thing. They've been perverted. Pickups and SUVs are now sad, shallow jokes of what they were, no more capable of actual work than the family sedan. Welfare ... abused. Medicare ... abused. Food banks, churches, boy scouts, ... the list is endless. Winning law suits for spilling coffee on yourself. Warning labels on a pack of toothpicks. Open Here printed on a Mars bar wrapper. Fer Christ's sake ... May contain peanuts label ... on a jar of Dry Roasted Peanuts.

Where does it end? When do people finally stop accepting the whiny ass bitching from the lowest common denominator?
Welfare ... abused. Medicare ... abused. Food banks, churches, boy scouts, ... the list is endless. Winning law suits for spilling coffee on yourself. Warning labels on a pack of toothpicks. Open Here printed on a Mars bar wrapper. Fer Christ's sake ... May contain peanuts label ... on a jar of Dry Roasted Peanuts.

Where does it end? When do people finally stop accepting the whiny ass bitching from the lowest common denominator?

When the whiny assed lowest common denominator stops winning every lawsuit.

A co-worker of mine told me about a week ago that her sister received a letter from the state DOT. The letter, paraphrased, said "You have been reported by a concerned citizen for discarding a cigarette butt from your vehicle. Consider this your final warning."

I wish I had nothing better to do.