Oklahoma schools segregated

More importantly, will anyone have the balls to say publicly that desegregating the schools was a bad idea?

My big worries are 1) will they teach the same ciriculum, and 2)will they be marked the same.
This is my suprised face. No, really ..... this is it.

Whaddya mean I don't look terribly suprised???
i'm sure they can phrase the proposed action in omaha as "empowerment" if they try hard enough.
In a nutshell...

Chambers said the schools attended largely by minorities lack the resources and quality teachers provided others in the district. He said the black students he represents in north Omaha would receive a better education if they had more control over their district.

Which is what comes when you have an entire group leaving an area to 'get away' from another group. If they truly wanted a fix, they'd put all the money in the same pot. Then we can really watch the hilarity ensue...
Gato_Solo said:
Which is what comes when you have an entire group leaving an area to 'get away' from another group. If they truly wanted a fix, they'd put all the money in the same pot. Then we can really watch the hilarity ensue...

god, that was almost a liberal idea (maybe even communist)

I am with you, put the money in the pot dole it out based on enrolement each student gets you $X
paul_valaru said:
god, that was almost a liberal idea (maybe even communist)

Bite your tongue. When dealing with the future of the country, all public money from the state should be issued to the states institutions equally. It would also take away one of those pesky 'rewards' for being a retard, remove the impetus for busing and 'forced integration', and completely level the playing field. If you don't want your children to associate with 'X', send them to a private school. ;)

paul_valaru said:
I am with you, put the money in the pot dole it out based on enrolement each student gets you $X
Gato_Solo said:
It would also take away one of those pesky 'rewards' for being a retard

ahh there is the good old gato, sterilize them when they are young...(wow i was channeling winky from the bizarro universe)

I do not think they should cut funding for special needs students, everyone should have a chance at getting an education
paul_valaru said:
ahh there is the good old gato, sterilize them when they are young...(wow i was channeling winky from the bizarro universe)

I was talking about the parents, not the kids. Sheesh. You need to get out more. ;)

paul_valaru said:
I do not think they should cut funding for special needs students, everyone should have a chance at getting an education
Gato_Solo said:
Which is what comes when you have an entire group leaving an area to 'get away' from another group. If they truly wanted a fix, they'd put all the money in the same pot. Then we can really watch the hilarity ensue...

Holy crap...I agree. Sounds like good idea to me.:wstupid:

Gato_Solo said:
Which is what comes when you have an entire group leaving an area to 'get away' from another group...

Make white flight illegal.

Force that integration, baby!
Winky said:
Make white flight illegal.

Force that integration, baby!

integration was forced due to the fact when they made segregation illegal people where using every kind of loophole possible.
only thing I know about it was when it
was visited upon my High school at the beginning
of sophomore year (75).

The result of bringing poor white trash
the worst black students from the worst black
high school and the Mexican students that the Mexican
school didn't want and dumping them onto
the all white middle-class kids was oh so predictable...

Funny the problem has been long solved now
at that same school through white flight and a tidal wave of illegals

most HS sports teams (those from the civilized parts of town) that go there to play these days
get a police escort!

they actually only recently removed
the Razor Ribbon (swear to Gawd I ain’t kidding) from around the roofs heh
happened to some of my high schools as well, that would be the problem with forced integration in modern times, if the sending school has the choice they will send the worst of the bunch.
Winky said:
most HS sports teams (those from the civilized parts of town) that go there to play these days
get a police escort!

they actually only recently removed
the Razor Ribbon (swear to Gawd I ain’t kidding) from around the roofs heh


Schools get the same amount of money per student. Most places require that by law. The teachers are the ones pulling "white flight" away from some of the schools, because poor &/or minority parents are less inclined to give a shit about their kids education. No point in teaching those that refuse to learn. Those that want to learn are surounded by thugs & hooligans (even 2nd graders know the score), lessening what education they should receive because of their neighbors.