Old Karma


New Member
Hey! What happens to all the old karma? I can only see the last five and I was just wondering if, well, what if I wanted to go back and wallow around in some of my old karma....how would I do that?
Are you saying they're all just cyber debris now?? They're GONE???????

Does Steve know about this?? STEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEVE!!!!
Gonz said:
I have mine. There was a note from Steve about deleting Q's karma :D
Don't be ridicluous. Steve would NEVER do a dastardly thing like that....he has the hots for me, ya know :p...stupid.
Professur said:
Q may have been on to something. Since she left, we hardly ever see ol' Steve anymore.

We haven't really had any hosting problems have we??
Are you suggesting that Q was the cause of our hosting problems, or that Steve was intentionally buggering us up in order to have a reason to come here and talk with Q?
Professur said:
Are you suggesting that Q was the cause of our hosting problems, or that Steve was intentionally buggering us up in order to have a reason to come here and talk with Q?

Uh, no.
Steve was a support tech at the old host. Q happened to open a few service tickets with them (that were already open by our admin) that he caught and he came here to not exactly politely inform us that users weren't to do that as we weren't the paying customer. We caught him peeking in a few times after that.
No prob. I know the memory goes when you wimmen get older. Personally, I think it's got something to do with all that dying your hair.
Or maybe that fact that I wasn't around at that point? I dunno...that might have something to do with it.