Olny srmat poelpe can

rrfield said:
Trig, Calculus and AP Physics only for me. Seriously though, high school geometry and algebra are so f'n easy who needs a calculator?

I've never been allowed to use a calculator in calculus.
Nixy said:
wow...that is ridiculous...I never had a calculator until I was in highschool and even then it wasn't allowed for all classes.

What kind of math did you take on high-school? :confuse3:

Most of the math I took was symbolic (superior algebra, trigonometry, calculus) except when I studied numerical methods and complex numbers. Those two were the only math courses that allowed calculators.
Nixy said:
wow...that is ridiculous...I never had a calculator until I was in highschool and even then it wasn't allowed for all classes.
When I was in school we got our own calculator in 7th grade. Nothing too advanced, and we were not allowed to use it at all times. In High school we were required to have advanced calculators, I think we mainly used them for cosinus and that kinda stuff.
Luis G said:
What kind of math did you take on high-school? :confuse3:

Most of the math I took was symbolic (superior algebra, trigonometry, calculus) except when I studied numerical methods and complex numbers. Those two were the only math courses that allowed calculators.

I could use a calculator in linear algebra...physics, chemistry...no calculators allowed in calculus.
Uki Chick said:
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it denos't mtater in waht oredr the ltetres in a wrod are, the olny iprnoatmt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!

I seen this before too, but you have to admit it's pretty kewl...and you can read it just as fast and understand it as if it was written normal..
HomeLAN said:
I tend to think in equations. I aced algebra, but geometry was my only C in high school. That created...issues...when we got to calculus.

OTOH, it made me a natural for accounting and finance.

I took four years of accelerated honors math in high school. Carried a 99 average through Algebra I, Algebra II, and what they called Advanced Math, which was mainly prob and stats. But Geometry in my sophomore year was hard for me too.

I took probablility classes in college to boost my GPA. I can do the "beans in a bag" stuff off the top of my head still. Stats in college got tough for me though, as I hadn't had a math class in a couple years and the asshole spoke worse English than I do, but with a Middle Eastern accent. And I don't mean Maryland...
Starya said:
When I was in school we got our own calculator in 7th grade. Nothing too advanced, and we were not allowed to use it at all times. In High school we were required to have advanced calculators, I think we mainly used them for cosinus and that kinda stuff.

We had calculators, but I was faster using log tables and a slide rule.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Stats in college got tough for me though, as I hadn't had a math class in a couple years and the asshole spoke worse English than I do, but with a Middle Eastern accent. And I don't mean Maryland...

Welcome to my life! It started out with the teaching assisstants barely being able to speak English...back when I was in first year...but now it seems all the new Professors are from the Middle East too...I dunno...Also, my class is PACKED to capacity and most of them are from other countries and have no intention of staying in Canada after they finish...WHY spend the money to get an education way above the country you're gonna be working in? Hell, someone even worked somewhere in the Middle East over the SUMMER cause that is where they're from...and then in a presentation they boast their "company" (it's a simulation of real life class) has experience with the Iranian code and some other code somewhere else in the Middle East...they don't realize that those codes me squat in Canada and that going there they are gonna be WAY over educated...grrrrr makes me mad. Is it SO BAD to want to beable to understand the people teaching me and to NOT want people who can hardly speak English learning this stuff here in Canada? Cause, if they LEARN it when they can hardly speak the language if they DON'T go work somewhere WAY below the Canadian education they've received they'll probably end up TEACHING the next generation of students...who won't beable to understand them...and the cycle continues!

For the record, I'm not against people from other countries but I AM against people who can hardly speak English being given teaching jobs...not being able to PROPERLY speak the language SHOULD be a reason to turn someone away but it really doesn't seem to be. I paid $6300 this year is tuition alone...to sit in a class room and be talked AT but someone who makes no sense cause they can't string a friggin sentence together properly and needs to say "ummm" and "uhh" every other word to stop and figure out what the next friggin' word is! Also, I am against people who will sit there and speak in another language right in front of you...I think it's RUDE and maybe I'm self conscience but they could be talking about you and you wouldn't even know! It's the same as whispering...it's RUDE! And, ANOTHER thing, people thinking they don't have to follow the rules cause of their religion? There was a HUGE uproar here by some employees about a company not respecting their religion cause they wore turbans but the company was requiring that they scale the turbans down (not eliminate them, just make them smaller) so they could wear HARDHATS which were a new requirement in their yard...like...COME ON! Grrrr sorry, it just makes me mad when I see Canadian culture being squashed, I love Canada and so many people move here and they don't even like it!!
Professur said:
They come here because we've got some of the cheapest, best subsidised schools in the world.

International students pay full tuition...and it's ALOT compare to what I pay.
HomeLAN said:
I tend to think in equations. I aced algebra, but geometry was my only C in high school. That created...issues...when we got to calculus.

OTOH, it made me a natural for accounting and finance.
Similar to the way think.....
I was in 9th grade (after the 3rd time failing) and finish 12th grade trig,
and was 1/2 way through 1st year calc. when I quit. (always straight A-s in math)
There wasn't even anything close to being that sophisticated on the GED. I aced it. (6 years later)
That's one reason I went from saw-boy to shop manager in 3 years at the machine shop.
I always do math in my head, unless I need to show someone what I'm doing.
I wrote a little program for my dad to figure out what to cut staircase runners
to on the dimensions if anyones interested. :)
(math and science, that's almost the only subjects I ever passed in school)
I just never could get interested in subjects like foreign history...
LOL I still have several school day friends even now that made pretty good
grades in subjects I failed, and I remember more stuff from those classes
than they do.
My niece was an honor role student, and now 2 years late she can't even do times table in her head.
At least I did retain what I did learn, even if I did fail the class from not doing homework. :nerd:
I still use what I've learned in school, and in life, in math and science,...
just about every day.