Olympic Chaos


Well-Known Member
I've always watched the Olympics ... just the parts i like, though, i'm not one to sit through the entire thing. i'll do gymnastics, bball, some swimming, diving, ice skating ...
I gladly endorse any opportunity to watch obscure sports that you would never ever see on any other venue. Despite the fact they we have 10,000 useless channels now. The Olympics rocks. Now lets just hope nothing blows up or anyone gets killed at this one...
Yeah..forgot about the whole terrorist thing for a while there.

I want to see teh Gymnastics, the Triathlon, I ususally watch Judo, karate and the diving as well.

I don't have cable TV...so I'm not tempted away from the Olympics much.
I'll watch bits and pieces, just like I always do. For some reason, the Winter games ahas always appealed more.

I suspect that this is going to be a security, logistics, and infrastructure clusterfuck. The Greeks have shown zero ability to control any of the above, and I don't expect it to change before the torch is lit. I've got a bro-in-law going to cover them for his newspaper, and I'm kinda glad my sister and their boy aren't going with him.
HomeLAN said:
I've got a bro-in-law going to cover them for his newspaper, and I'm kinda glad my sister and their boy aren't going with him.

That, ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls, is precisely why the United States is at war.

What an awful (though understandable) position to be in...especially with the Cold War hardly more than an historical footnote to so many. One of the worlds grandest spectacles & we're glad our family isn't going. Sad days indeed.
You'll get no disagreement from me. I wouldn't have an issue if I had any faith at all in Greece's ability to maintain security...but I don't.
As I've been saying for a while, things are looking so bad that the Athens games are in danger of not being declared the best ever.

Anyone remember the Olympics Triplecast? :D