I am going into work early today...so I went to bed early last night...I missed CSI because of it but I was like "meh, I'll make sure to catch the season finale in a few weeks" (cause I LOVE CSI) and I just found out now that the season finale was two hours and it was LAST NIGHT!
and I swear on everyliving thing if ANY of you watched it and tell me what happened before I track it down and see it for myself you have got ALOT of pain AND bad karma coming to you. You HAVE BEEN WARNED (except if you're A13, then you get good karma...cause good karma is bad right?)

and I swear on everyliving thing if ANY of you watched it and tell me what happened before I track it down and see it for myself you have got ALOT of pain AND bad karma coming to you. You HAVE BEEN WARNED (except if you're A13, then you get good karma...cause good karma is bad right?)