On Tape: Rep Won't Let Customer Quit AOL


New Member
If you have wanted to cancel an online account you know what kind of hastle it is...
I had AOL at one time and wanted to cancel and when I tried to call there was either no answer on the phone number given or "technical" problem with the computor and the account could not be canceled. What I ended up doing was changing the credit card number that AOL was billed to and put a stop to it...

An incredible video from CNBC shows an AOL customer trying to cancel his account, but a phone rep won't let him do it. What customer Vincent Ferrari got when he tried to cancel his account was a lot of frustration.

It took him 15 minutes waiting on the phone just to reach a real, live person.

And, what happened next was recorded by Ferrari on audio and lasted about four minutes:


AOL REPRESENTATIVE: Hi this is John at AOL... how may I help you today?

VINCENT FERRARI: I wanted to cancel my account.

AOL: Sorry to hear that. Let's pull your account up here real quick. Can I have your name please?

VINCENT: Vincent Ferrari.


AOL: You've had this account for a long time.


AOL: Use this quite a bit. What was the cause of wanting to turn this off today?

VINCENT: I just don't use it anymore.
AOL sent him an apology and said the customer service rep was no longer with the company.
I'll bet that's a lie. Fuckers probably promoted the bastard.

Oh, and wasn't Vince Ferrari an Andy Kauffman character?
That's why a large number of my friends call it "AO-Hell". And like you, highwayman, AOL kept charging the credit card.

When I get one of those AOL CDs in the mail, it goes straight to the outside trash -- I won't even let it in the house, lest it attach itself to my computer. LOL
After I cut them off then they were very interested in keeping me, I told them to get bent and stopped answering the calls...
I heard that transcript on the Glenn Beck radio show the other day.

Unbelievable! The customer kept telling the AOL guy that he wanted to end the service, but the rep kept trying to change his mind---they must get some kind of commission for saving accounts.

Customer said I don't really use my account because I got DSL, the rep says well I see just a month ago you logged in on your account....the rep told the guy he wouldn't shut off his account unless he was able to give a little presentation of the benefits of AOL before he did so....

When I had dial-up I had a free trial of AOL. When the freebie was over, I called them to tell them I was through, and they tried to suck me back in with an additional free 30 days!

I still get those free software discs; I like to let them build up in quantity, then I put them under my car's tire and back over them just to hear that CRACK---hee, hee
The cases are handy. I used a metal one the other day to ship a Cadillac GPS DVD I sold on e-bay to the buyer.
Cerise said:
---they must get some kind of commission for saving accounts.

It turns out they get bonuses to keep the customer for X days (even with free months). Their job is tied to how many they keep so if they allow enough customers to go away they are no longer employed.

I heard that AOL has lost 800,000 customers in the last quarter & over 2M in the last year. Maybe they need to change their main focus.
When one can get broadband more cheaply than a filtering bulletin board? AOL is history, unless they change their focus & rather quickly.
AOL isn't bad insofar as customer no-service goes. Have you read your cellphone contract lately? They own your soul unto the end of the universe plus 5 seconds.
I bought my father-in-law a newer one for his '02 caddy as a birthday gift. He gave me the old one.
Gonz said:
When one can get broadband more cheaply than a filtering bulletin board? AOL is history, unless they change their focus & rather quickly.

I have DSL for the price that AOL wants (29.95 a month) along with a wireless router. Let's see... High speed or a ding bat dial up... The choise is clear, AOL gets flicked...
unclehobart said:
AOL isn't bad insofar as customer no-service goes. Have you read your cellphone contract lately? They own your soul unto the end of the universe plus 5 seconds.

Reason number 116,072 that I do not nor will not own one.
It sure does come in handy though if you're flying in on a "Continental operated by Delta" flight, so your ride is waiting for you by the Continental terminal and your Delta plane is pulling up to the Delta terminal.
You never know when you'll have to. Flying to Atlanta last year was half the cost of gas for driving, not to mention wear and tear on the car, time saved, etc.
unclehobart said:
Have you read your cellphone contract lately? They own your soul unto the end of the universe plus 5 seconds.

That's why I went to TracPhone pay-as-you-go. No contract, and much, much cheaper. As long as I keep minutes on the phone, I keep the number.