On the lighter side


molṑn labé
Staff member
Alright, anyone here know a single person that has been a victim of or related to a victim of a giant tsunami? Me neither. Is this crying wolf or a way to distract our attention away from...*oh look a butterfly*

Giant tsunamis, super volcanoes and earthquakes could pose a greater threat than terrorism, scientists claim.

Global Geophysical Events, or "Gee Gee's", as they are nick-named, are not being taken seriously enough, they say.

The global community needs to monitor these risks, and develop strategies to cope in the face of a catastrophe.

However, we are making good progress in reducing the threat of asteroid impacts, the researchers said during a briefing at the Royal Institution, UK.

Ever look at a building code in California in the last several decades? Earthquakes sure as hell haven't been ignored out here.
Tsunamis? No...afraid not. But I do know of quite a few who have been affected by volcanos, earthquakes and GGs...or have we forgotten about el Nino already?
*oh look a butterfly*
Of course, on the other hand, these events have happened in geologic time, therefore they could happen again. I don't know that I'd waste a lot of time and money preparing for such an eventuality, though. :D
Bish, even Krakatoa wasn't a "super" volcano, yet it changed the worldwide climate for two years. There is pretty good evidence that a super-volcano exists under about two-thirds of Yellowstone. It's the scale that's frightening, but as Gonz points out, there are more immediate fish to fry.
It will blow alright, but it may not be like a giant ejection 100x Mt St Helens. It may be more of a puddling effect like Kilauea. Either way, I wouldn't want to close enough to see it.
chcr said:
There is pretty good evidence that a super-volcano exists under about two-thirds of Yellowstone. It's the scale that's frightening, but as Gonz points out, there are more immediate fish to fry.

Um.....Yellowstone it due a big 'un.....it blows every 600,000 years....and it's currently 630,000 and counting :eek: The land has bulged more than a yard in the last decade......and the last time it happened it caused enough ash to lay a 20 yard layer in he area now covered by New York (actually if yer stood in Yellowstone, yer stood on the volcano....it pretty much matches the parks boundaries exactly ;) )

*hopes someone has warned Yogi Bear...

I've never been affected by a Tsunami......unless yer count being disturbed by that godawful song by the Stereophonics

Edit: Got me facts wrong....it was 20 yards of ash, not inches
All these things are absolutes. When is the question. When and, its there a damned thing to do about it? Preparation for the Yellowstone SUPERVOLCANO is impossible. If I understand correctly, within :20 Wyoming will be a large lava field and within 48 hours multi-feet of ash may cover the entire western US. What possible preparations can one make?
Yep, I don't think it's possible to prepare for something on that scale. Be lucky to deal with the aftermath.