One in three couples in Philippines don't know birds from the bees: official


Well-Known Member
MANILA (AFP) - As many as 30 percent of couples in the Philippines are unaware that having sex can result in babies, Health Secretary Manuel Dayrit said.

AFP/File Photo

"They do not know how pregnancy happens," even though some of them have had numerous children already, Dayrit remarked.

The discovery was the result of field studies by health workers who went door-to-door to determine population control program awareness, Dayrit said in remarks released here.

He did not say how many couples in the mainly Roman Catholic nation were surveyed.

The field workers found that in many of these cases, the couples believed the children were simply gifts from God.

"Often times people do things even if they dont understand why they do it," Dayrit said, attributing the ignorance over sex to the conservatism of Philippine society.

"A lot of it is cultural because people dont talk about sex," he said, remarking that "knowledge is often tempered by values. And if the values are such that they will reject knowledge theres nothing you can do," he added.

The government is promoting a door-to-door campaign for population control in this country of 84 million people but the Catholic church, which counts about 80 percent of the population as followers, has been actively opposing the campaign.


Hello, passport office ....
Maybe they just have a warped sense of humour

*knock on door


Pollster-do you know sex causes children

HomeOwner-Wha.... {sarcasm}

Pollster- so you where not aware that engaging in sexual activity can cause children

HO -You mean this kids aren't a gift from God {rolling eyes}

Pollster- thanks for your time {mumbling}backward savages

HO-{mumbling}Friggen idiot

Being from a farming Culture knowing what breeding season is all about with regard to the farm animals is essential ,to presume that they don't carry this knowledge to their own activities is assinine.
Gonz said:
Is this really relevent?

The government is promoting a door-to-door campaign for population control in this country of 84 million people but the Catholic church, which counts about 80 percent of the population as followers, has been actively opposing the campaign.

I'd assume thats why they ,bring it up ,its the old "if you can't win them with your arguement ,bash the opposing view".That just brings up more questions though about the survey "why would a large Roman Catholic population not know they are supposed to avoid Birth control and what that means" :confused:
How can any 21st century adult population be unaware of what causes pregnancy? That seems too far to stretch. 80% of 17 year olds. maybe.
by health workers

Most probably government workers and we know how reliable they are.

attributing the ignorance over sex to the conservatism of Philippine society.

Geez, is there any bias here? They hate Roman Catholics (probably the non-Roman varieities too) & conservatives & think people of the non-Caucasian color are idiots. Yep, it's a liberal study.
Gonz said:
Is this really relevent?
taking into consideration that:

a: it is a third world country
b: they are 80% catholic
c: they are a very devout group of people
d: the catholic church isnt known for its modern ideas of human sexuality and reproduction

i'd say yes, it is relevant.
What do third world & Catholic have to do with each other? Before Catholicism there was multiplication. If they didn't know about birth contol, I'd follw the program. This isn't about that though.
third world countries arent known for their educational systems and the church has a major impact on how they live their lives. if the church says children are a gift from god, then that is how children come into being. as far as they are concerned, who are they to question the church?
Maybe. I just refuse to accept that adults, especially in the 21st century, are this ignorant. It goes against every part of my being.
Perhaps there is a certain level of 'don't mention it to nosy fieldworkers asking questions about blushing subjects' over there.
Spot said:
taking into consideration that:

d: the catholic church isnt known for its modern ideas of human sexuality and reproductionQUOTE]

In my opinion I think they need to get with the program and get into modern idea's.............

Know what I don't get, (keeping in mind, I'm a Catholic, just not a practising Catholic) The Catholic Religion is against abortion, and birth control, gifts from GOD they say??? Yes, children are gifts from God, but when you can't support them and take care of them and have to live off the welfare system, and keep them blind from what they need to know about human sexuality, that's a damn shame....... They tell the children Abstinence is best.....What a Crock.....Teach them right from wrong! For Christ's Sakes buy them a box of rubbers, put them on birth control, just prepare them....The bird's & the bee's they say....

It's kinda like a carpenter building a home, but you don't give him any hammer and nails to build it with......Sorry, just venting in my opinion..back to subject you may all go!
Mare said:
In my opinion I think they need to get with the program and get into modern idea's.............

If they did that, they'd stop being a church & start being ageek club. Dogma, like herpes, is forever.

Mare said:
buy them a box of rubbers, put them on birth control,

No children, you are too young & immature to have sex...there are condoms on top of the fridge. Guess what that message says.
Gonz said:
No children, you are too young & immature to have sex...there are condoms on top of the fridge. Guess what that message says.

As soon as a kid is old enough to operate a step stool they're old enough to have sex? :lloyd:
I once heard that in Germany, kids are old enough to drink beer when they're old enough to reach it on the shelf.