One in three couples in Philippines don't know birds from the bees: official

Spot said:
taking into consideration that:

a: it is a third world country
b: they are 80% catholic
c: they are a very devout group of people
d: the catholic church isnt known for its modern ideas of human sexuality and reproduction

i'd say yes, it is relevant.

a: I live in a third world country
b: over 90% of the population is catholic
c: here too.
d: here too.

It is relevant, they are known for making sex evil, they do talk about sex from time to time. Different country I guess.

Still, most adults still know how to procreate, even those who have no sex education can tell how you get a woman pregnant.

Not that I defend the catholic church, in fact I think we're still a 3rd world country because most people is catholic.
Inkara1 said:
I once heard that in Germany, kids are old enough to drink beer when they're old enough to reach it on the shelf.

Well, I dunno about that but once you can see over the bar they will serve you...
Gonz said:
there are condoms on top of the fridge. Guess what that message says.

That message says you are preparing your children for the REAL WORLD and disease and not getting pregnant. BUT, also with telling them to use protection, sit them down and explain any questions they might have, and why it is best to wait for intercourse.

Would you rather your children buy them in a gas station somewhere or come to you for them??? Sure I'd rather my child NOT to ask for them, but i'd rather be the one to talk to him, instead of some mislead information from a peer.
i plan on sitting down with them and explaining sex when they ask the ever famous question "where do babies come from?"...i know i'll have to dumb it down but the underlying message is the same. as they age the subject is sure to arise again and i'll add more to the discusion as they age. sex is a fundamental in life. i don't see the need to make it seem like some big ass grand secret. therefore, hopefully, the mystique surrounding will disappear a bit. by the time they are of that age they'll know what gets you pregnant, they'll know it causes diseases, and that the results of either can seriously derail your life...or end it. here's hopin' it works.
tonksy said:
i plan on sitting down with them and explaining sex when they ask the ever famous question "where do babies come from?"...i know i'll have to dumb it down but the underlying message is the same. as they age the subject is sure to arise again and i'll add more to the discusion as they age. sex is a fundamental in life. i don't see the need to make it seem like some big ass grand secret. therefore, hopefully, the mystique surrounding will disappear a bit. by the time they are of that age they'll know what gets you pregnant, they'll know it causes diseases, and that the results of either can seriously derail your life...or end it. here's hopin' it works.

WELL SAID TONKS!!! Keep it simple, to the point, and as they age, you add what they need to know...
"you shouldn't do it but if you do, here's the trojans" says, in kidspeak "Here are the trojans , go use them".

My son hs been told about sex & it's consequences, AIDS, pregnancy, assorted other STDs, since he was small. The message I make quite clear to my son is real life...if you come home with a pregnant girlfriend, you will quit school & get a shitty job to support you, her & the baby. Your life is effectively over, Once you have kids, your life belongs to them. I will take your college fund & buy a motorhome & drive 55 in the fast lane. If you are man enough for sex, you are man enough for supporting yourself.
Gonz said:
there are condoms on top of the fridge.

Um, if your condoms are on top of the fridge, they're about as safe to use as a lace doily. It heats up even more than your back pocket. Bedside table drawer to keep them cool, dark and safe.
Gonz said:
My son hs been told about sex & it's consequences, AIDS, pregnancy, assorted other STDs, since he was small. The message I make quite clear to my son is real life...if you come home with a pregnant girlfriend, you will quit school & get a shitty job to support you, her & the baby. Your life is effectively over, Once you have kids, your life belongs to them. I will take your college fund & buy a motorhome & drive 55 in the fast lane. If you are man enough for sex, you are man enough for supporting yourself.

Amen and harumph.

Education is one thing. Too many parents get lazy...they wanna sit back and say, Well I told him/her about it, so what they go and do is not my problem now is it?

Yes, it is.

Naturally occurring consequences to behavior, folks. It's a concept as old as time itself. Put your hand on a hot stove eye, you're gonna get burned. Put yer unprotected willy in a prom queen, you just might get burned. One heals in a few weeks, the other takes almost 20 years. You do the math.

Naturally occurring consequences to behavior...what a concept. You'd think it'd catch on... :confused:
Gonz said:
Maybe. I just refuse to accept that adults, especially in the 21st century, are this ignorant. It goes against every part of my being.
Ignorant doesn't mean stupid..ignorant means that you were never taught something. If the church in the area is refusing to educate the people about what really causes children and fills their heads with "gift from God"... then they'd better be prepared for the consequences.

As for 21st century thinking...not everyone's caught up. :shrug: There are still places in the world that think that the best way of curing AIDS is to have sex with a virgin.

Why do they think this way? They havn't been taught better.
MrBishop said:
There are still places in the world that think that the best way of curing AIDS is to have sex with a virgin.

How absurd. Everyone knows that having sex with a virgin is the best cure for the common cold!
Bish, in our highschool, I personally corrected several people who thought that you had to have sex outside for her to get preggers. That's not all that long ago, or so far away.
Ignorant means lack of knowledge. 30% of the adult population is not that ignorant. Looking at the rest of that story, I'm sure they edited out the line about virgins & common colds.