One man's trash...


New Member
I've been trolling the free board at CraigsList for a while but found out about another swap site called FreeCycle -

I just took a look at the group for my area and a woman is looking for a fishtank setup for her son's turtles. Just so happens, I have a 30 gallon tank, hood, and hoodlight that I used to use for my orchids.

I just contacted her, she's gushing. She's coming by tomorrow to pick them up and so happy. :swing:

I plan on giving away the hideous white rocks that the previous homeowner spread everywhere once spring arrives. And I plan on asking for a 1/2 whiskey barrell or large ceramic pot to start my water garden this year. And some plants too! :D
I took a particle board four-drawer dresser out of the bedroom yesterday, put it on the sidewalk and stuck a "free" sign on it. It was gone within an hour.
When we lived in Long Beach, nothing stayed at the curb for long. But in the new house, there are less browsers I guess. We had a piece of furniture out for a while (not damaged or anything) and had to call special pickup.

But once I posted my old couch on CraigsList, it was gone the same day.

I think the great thing about FreeCycle is the "wanted" requests. I wasn't considering posting my aquarium on there. But once I saw someone else needed it, I remembered I had one.
I joined freecycle locally about three years ago. Complete waste of time. Buncha stuckup soccer moms with their hands stuck out was all I ever saw.