One more day....


Well...I've managed to stretch a four day visit into twelve glorious days. But tomorrow is my last day here. I made sure everyone got their hugs and kisses delivered and they were received with a warm appreciation....
I thought I'd take a moment to let all of you know that, behind the screen name and smilies, I found the warmest, sweetest person you could imagine. Its going to be torturous to watch the minutes and hours tick away tomorrow knowing I'm leaving the next morning.....:crying3:
You know, have you used the car is broken excuse? Just sneak out there and start unplugging stuff under the hood, that'll buy you a day or two. :wink2:
he has to mom is coming to visit for the weekend on Friday... *sigh*

I can't...not yet anyway ;)

I don't think mom would go for the idea of me last month letting her know I tossed out my husband and then a few weeks later bringing in a 51 year old american man who I met over the internet to stay here for a week and a half. She would have a COW! :bolt:
Better lecture the boys on the evils of telling Grandma stuff, then, I dunno about your kids but my brothers are blabbermouths... you couldn't get them to hold in a secret any better than they can hold in silly giggles at hearing the word "boobies"
Who are you kidding, you still chuckle at it too. ;)

I think fury has a point, your kids are going to be talking about Uncle Joe a lot probably. :D
Squig, here's a thought. Head down the 401 and visit here a spell, then you can go back to Leslie's once Mom's gone.
greenfreak said:
Who are you kidding, you still chuckle at it too.
Well, it's more of an ogling chuckle (e.g. ":brow: Someone say boobies?") than a bad word giggle (e.g. ":eek: Ummmm! He said the B word! Teeheehee!")
Leslie said:
... bringing in a 51 year old american man who I met over the internet to stay here for a week and a half...

Those dammned old american men....what is this world coming to? :p
I suppose it's better than if you'd bring in an 18 year old american man, huh Les? :mope: