One of the "Queer eye..." guys isn't gay!

MrBishop said:
Straight from the rumor mill...heard it on the radio.
One of the 'queers' from "Queer eye for the straight guy" isn't really gay.

Which one?
Don't know...but I aim to find out...just for the hell of it.

I really wonder which one. I've watched the show numerous times, they all seem gay to me. Carson makes me sick though!
Betcha it's Kyan, the grooming dude. I also betcha this is coming out because their ratings are in the fucking toilet.
You can NOT be hinting that reality TV is scripted, can you? Oh the humanity! Next thing I know, you'll be running around here claiming that there is no Easter Bunny too!

Who gives a rat's ass if the queer eye guys live or die for that matter? It's lowest common denominator television, as disposable as roll on deodorant. I still contend that the only true reality TV there is is called SportsCenter, and I wonder about some of it at times.
I care. I've cheques to mail should any of them suddenly drop dead of unexplained circumstances.
HomeLAN said:
Betcha it's Kyan, the grooming dude. I also betcha this is coming out because their ratings are in the fucking toilet.
That's who I think it would be if any too.
Remember the good old days when the contraversy was that you might be gay. Now it's that someone might not be. Who says the gay agenda hasn't worked.
That rumor has been around since the first week the show was on, it's not a new thing.

But I'm not jumping on the bashing bandwagon, I watched it whenever possible for a long time, and I thought it was hilarious. I don't anymore but I liked it for a time.

And if anyone wasn't gay, I agree with HomeLAN about Kyan. He's not as flamboyant as the rest. If I was single, I'd date him.
Isn't Thom the decorating guy? The one who did the Pier1 commercials for a while? I never liked him. I thought some of the makeovers he did were amazing though.

Carson's a pissa. I actually know people like him so I guess I'm partial. I used to be a "fag hag" without really knowing it years ago. Someone even accused me of turning someone gay because he liked me and I never reciprocated.
FluerVanderloo said:
Who's the food guy? Isn't his name Ted? Wonder if he's the straight one...
he comments too much on man ass to be straight :lloyd:

Thom is the decorating one. I guess he's my 'type'.

*thinks she is a closet fag hag*