One of them days


Staff member
Got a panicked call from my mom today. The phone company called her, looking for me. Seems that when we moved in December, Bell never bothered to disconnect the phone/internet/satellite at 60+40+80+tax+LD a month. Someone else has been living there since, not paying a cent, and the no disconnect snafu went on till now, when the someone else is moving, and the new someone else was normal and wanted to get a phone hooked up before moving in, and Bell "couldn't" cause it was still hooked up. The bill was standing at $2600.


I called, and after an hour and a half on the phone while the woman settled the phone thing and sat on hold with the satellite and internet companies with me to talk to them for me, it's settled, I won, I don't owe. I dunno wtf and didn't ask. The woman was nice enough, but it was not a good way to wake up.

So the kids are hot and bored after all that. So I figure hey, it's time, I should go buy a hose. Went down to the Co-Op and bought a long-ass hose, a tap connector (cause there is no outside tap atm), and a sprinkler for the lawn and the kiddies.

It won't fit any of the taps on the main floor, or the upstairs sink, or the bathtub. After all that screwing and unscrewing, finally I clue in and put it in the laundry room in the basement, and run it out the basement window. Get the sprinkler all positioned in the yard, turn on the tap - the basement tap leaks. Not enough pressure to run the sprinkler properly.

After twenty minutes of fiddling with it and a chain of 3 of us yelling "a little more!" "turn it down a bit!", it works!!! Good to go!!!

And then Avery promptly steps on the sprinkler and breaks it.

I wanna go to bed. :crying3:
The tap may be leaking if it's a gate valve. They only seal in the full open or full closed position.
Wow In the usa they'd hound you to the grave for the cash.

That is the kinda day that could drive a woman to drink!
Professur said:
The tap may be leaking if it's a gate valve. They only seal in the full open or full closed position.
I don't know what that means :lloyd:

It looks like a spigot. I think it very well may be a spigot.

The drinking is Saturday.
It has to do with how it's built inside, dear. I'm assuming it's leaking out where the handle goes in, right?
Yes, and it does appear that when it's on full it doesn't leak.

Hmm. I guess I get to learn plumbing now! :D
Why no spigot outside? You'd think with the age of the house, someone at some point would have though watering the lawn and plants might be a good idea.

Also, buy a metal sprinkler next time.
I dunno why? It's the weirdest thing. But now it has to be done, this was ridiculous.

Funny part is I bought a metal hose head so the kids wouldn't break a plastic one. :tardbang:
Leslie said:
Yes, and it does appear that when it's on full it doesn't leak.

Hmm. I guess I get to learn plumbing now! :D

It's not hard, right below the handle that turns the water on/off is a "hex", use a crecent wrench and turn it clockwise an 8th or quarter turn ant a time untill the leak stops and you can still turn the handwheel...
Professur said:
Not on a gate valve, you don't. Unless you want to learn to solder.

I usally go with globe valves for outside spigots and for the inside the usual single handle valve, same thing for the valves for the washer...
highwayman said:
I usally go with globe valves for outside spigots and for the inside the usual single handle valve, same thing for the valves for the washer...
Yeah, but they're working on a older, Canuckistani home. Who knows what them furriners was thankin'?
chcr said:
Yeah, but they're working on a older, Canuckistani home. Who knows what them furriners was thankin'?

No doupt, I can sympathize.. My house was built in 1940(that's a no shitter) and has it has it's own problems. Good example is sitting on the camode I am looking at the hot water tank..
Believe it or not it looks to me that the the cooking and the heat came from the same source, from the kitchen...There is still a flue with a brick and morter chimney right there in the area...
This one is turn of the century. The last century, not this one.

We even have a coal chute!! :D