One World Currency


molṑn labé
Staff member
The framework will be laid here. May I take your One World Order?

President Bush will host a summit on the global economic crisis in Washington on Nov. 15, kicking off landmark negotiations among world leaders on financial reforms less than two weeks after American voters go to the polls to choose a new president.

In a joint statement issued Saturday, Bush, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and European Commission President José Manuel Barroso had announced agreement on a series of summits to address the crisis and to discuss far-reaching reforms. The agenda is likely to include increasing market transparency, revising the rules that govern global investment flows, and improving oversight of big banks, ratings agencies and hedge funds.

But Sarkozy, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and others have signaled a desire to go much further in regulating markets than Bush seems inclined to do. Brown said yesterday that he wants greater cross-border oversight of banks and other financial firms, while Sarkozy called for much stricter government supervision of financial markets.

Washington Post
The framework will be laid here. May I take your One World Order?

maybe if you wear tight pants and bend over real sexy-like. how you think you look dressed up like hooters girl?


(2minkey, apparently, has fallen off the wagon again....)
maybe if you wear tight pants and bend over real sexy-like. how you think you look dressed up like hooters girl?


(2minkey, apparently, has fallen off the wagon again....)

Like he was off to begin with...:rolleyes: :p
He was playing leapfrog with the wagon.

I would welcome a one world government.

If it was run by Canadians, of course.
eh... but what happens if we do, how much will euros, and the american Dollar, and yen, translate into the neew currency, everybody will want there money to be worth more.
I`ve no problem with a World currency. We've had it before and done well. It was called the Real, 8 of which made a Peso (or piece of 8). Every world currency at the time had an equivelant coin to it.

The difference was ... that was a silver coin, backed by nothing but it's own metal content. Today's money is backed by nothing but good wishes and your children's sweat.
Even then, there were lines and letters of credit. The issue with a world currency is unequal economies.

A carton of milk in North America might cost 3 NewMoneys where average salary is 15NM/hr, but the same carton might cost 35 NewMoneys in Papaau New Guiney where the average salary is 5NM/day.
First you'd have to get rid of the 'third world' - bring them up to first-world consumerist standards etc... or you could always wait for the current banking crap to bring everyone else down to 3rd world levels. Shouldn't be too long now.
First you'd have to get rid of the 'third world' - bring them up to first-world consumerist standards etc... or you could always wait for the current banking crap to bring everyone else down to 3rd world levels. Shouldn't be too long now.

What haapened if we aal went down to there 3rd world economy we all would be rich.
What haapened if we aal went down to there 3rd world economy we all would be rich.
In relation...we already are rich. Including those living on the street who make 3-10x in coins at the bottom of the hat than the 3rd worlders do for a 12-hour work shift.
In relation...we already are rich. Including those living on the street who make 3-10x in coins at the bottom of the hat than the 3rd worlders do for a 12-hour work shift.

Damned straight. The only ones who think Americans aren't rich are Americans. When our poor own automobiles & put microwaves in their kitchens, there's no poor.
Damned straight. The only ones who think Americans aren't rich are Americans. When our poor own automobiles & put microwaves in their kitchens, there's no poor.

oh there are poor, but mostly by 'choice'.
(by your description)

relativity is a strong tool
LONDON (Reuters) - The international financial crisis has given world leaders a unique opportunity to create a truly global society, Britain's Prime Minister Gordon Brown will say in a keynote foreign policy speech on Monday


I can't wait for global poverty & hunger. Misery should be shared.