online addictions

I admit I go through stages where I post lots on different forums scattered throughout the dark reaches of the web, but mainly nowdays just play multiplayer games online, by these I mean counterstrike, halelife 1 and 2..... to name a few
PT said:
I don't know whatever it is you speak of.

Total Posts: 13,726 (14.49 posts per day)

That number was up around 30 at one time. I've actually slowed down a great deal.
I'm not speaking of 2000 posts per person per day, but 2000+ spread across the 100+ that were here. Those were the great days of fast and loose chaos that preceded even your arrival to these shores, PT.
Hell, I even remember my 100+ post days at JJR's. I like to think more thought goes into my posts these days... but it also has something to do with my seeming inability to find a job that allows me enough web access to post from work. I can get online at Radio Shack, but I often don't have enough time to post here since I might only have a few minutes when there are no customers. I usually fill in that time with the Bloody Pingu Throw at Albino Blacksheep.
Total Posts: 1,513 (0.57 posts per day)

And that's actually up from .22 lol

I guess I can't say I'm addicted to here, but it is the forum I post the most on. Before this one it was HWC.

As for online addictions, I've been bowling alot in playstation home. :p
I am addicted to becoming addicted. I spend enough time at something to get obsessed about it, then the appeal usually falls off a cliff after that and I move on to the next addiction.