Online computer part vendors


Off 'Motherfuckin' Topic Elite
Ok, I know about Newegg and TigerDirect, but are there any others you guys have been using that are worth a look?
These days, 95% of my stuff is newegg. They're always competitive, and I don't worry as much about service issues.
I use bilsystems (pcrightnow nowadays) for certain stuff. The one time they made a mistake with an order they fell all over themselves making it right, and I appreciate that kind of service. They're kind of small but really competitive on what they have.

That said, I exclusively use NewEgg. Try this site that Steve told me about a while back (that I use all the time):

You can search for the highest rating. Currently, NewEgg is on top with 9.61% out of 7174 reviews. I always review them every time I buy. And have reviewed the ever-ignorant, ever-problematic TigerDirect many times, both for terrible personal and business experiences.
Ok, let me refine this. I'm looking for a motherboard that will support the Athlon xp T-bred. I've got the AK31 from Shuttle now, v2.0. Apparently it only supports the Palomino core, but I've gone and bought a 2100 T-bred off of ebay for a pretty good price, so now I have to spend a little more to get it going.

So, neweggs got a few, but I don't know much about them besides the Shuttle boards, which I've been a fan of for a few years now. So, which brands would you guys recommend? Which brands to avoid?
I use Asus pretty much exclusively. I think I've had one fail and one arrive dead in the past 4 years.
For me it's not so much the price as the service. The guys over at Axion have been good to me. Besides that, they had been honest in the RMA department and warranty services. For me trust is the most important thing in doing business online.