Only three days left folks....

I've always wanted to pay one million in taxes in a single year. The taxable income base would be quite nice...
If the models of the quasi-socialist steep progressive taxation systems of europe of the last few decades are used as a model: Sweden, England, the Netherlands were paying out 50%+ in personal income taxes plus direct taxes on purchases, plus indirect taxes as pass-throughs from the taxed corporations and their suppliers passing through the taxes they pay unto the corporation... which pass them unto the consumer. When you shake out all of the extra taxes on fuel, property, ad valorem, cigs, beer, clothes, entertainment... it gets up into the 70%+ area... that that all for a relatively normal income family. God help you if you made more than 200k$/yr. The progressive tax rates hit 95% in England and 99% in Sweden. Its why English rock bands fled England and moved to Germany or America... to have the ability to keep one iota of what they were making. The intent of the left in the US is to establish a punitive progressive taxation system so utterly steep that noone can survive without the government handouts right back to then in the form of supposedly free healthcare and the like. Its a pure cradle to grave mentality making one serfs on the government plantation. I don't like it. It stifles creativity. It stifles competition. It makes the government their lord and master instead of their own selves. Don't get me wrong... the supposed theocratic porkbarrel coming out of Dubbyas government impresses me even less. True republicans they are not.