Ontario joins the next century


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Ontario Appeal Court deems same-sex marriages a protected right
The decision deems Canadian law on traditional marriage unconstitutional and was effective immediately.

"The existing common-law definition of marriage violates the couple's equality rights on the basis of sexual orientation under (the charter)," the 61-page written ruling said.

The Appeal Court also declared Ottawa's definition invalid and demanded it be immediately changed to refer to "two persons" instead of "one man and one woman." It ordered the city clerk to issue marriage licences to same-sex couples seeking a legal union.
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yeah really...they should be more careful what they wish for, they might just get it. :tardbang:
Leslie and Squiggy - sounds like something out of an old TV show.

Hold on a moment...I'm getting an image

it's...'the letter "L"

hmmm...and something about schamozles...

nah...I've lost it.*poke2*