Ooh, lookie here

Aunty Em said:
Interesting... what exactly is BlizzForums?

Well originally it was a forum relating to Blizzard games (Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo etc.) but most of us just spend all of our time in our General Forums. In fact, I can't remember the last time I've gone onto one of the game boards.
Didn't you read their thread about us, fury? They think we're nuts! I think you both may be right! :tardbang:
What are you laughing at, you'd get your butt kicked too if you were playing it. :D
fury said:
Kings of Chaos... you know... that one game where you get your butt kicked? :eek6:

I haven't had my butt kicked... I do the kicking! :p

As my brother said... stay small and build up your attack and defence so no bugger WANTS to attack you!
Just wait'll you get bigger... trust me. (it will happen, as long as your link is on the KoC links list :p)

You'll be so weak compared to all the other people in your army range that you'll be on that Delete Account button like white on snow. :D
Like hell! I don't give up so easily.... anyway my bro may be joining and he doesn't mess around... :evilgrin:
Wish said:
Well originally it was a forum relating to Blizzard games (Starcraft, Warcraft, Diablo etc.) but most of us just spend all of our time in our General Forums. In fact, I can't remember the last time I've gone onto one of the game boards.

I hope you meen the Gernal Forums, not Genral Discussion....

CC pwnz all