Ooh! Ooh! This one's good!


Well-Known Member
So there are these three churches on the same street, a Lutheran church, a Baptist church and a Catholic church. One day, a whule bunch of mice show up and infest all three churches. They all try the local exterminators, to no avail.

The Lutheran church decides to freeze the mice out, so they turned up the A/C on full blast. But the mice didn't leave, and the churchgoers sat freezing.

Then the Baptist church decides to try the opposite trick. They cranked up the heater as high as it would go. The mice didn't leave, but the churchgoers baked.

But the Catholic church had no mice at all. The other churchgoers asked the Catholic priest how they got rid of all the mice.

"Oh, we baptized them all. Now they only come on Easter and Christmas."