ooooh!!! i hate that!!!


New Member
wasn't there a pet peeve thread once?

anyway, here's one of's not that big of a deal but for some reason it just hacks me off to no end...i clean the mirrors in the bathroom on a daily basis because someone can't put his head close to the sink to rinse his face after he shaves...mind you i can do it when i wash my face...but him? oh no! and just leaves the water on the mirror so it dries in these drippy, opaque, runny lines and splatters...i cringe everytime i see it....maybe it irks me so much because since this house is as old as strom the mirrors have eons of years of build up and i am fighting a losing battle...that could be it....
I have a key rack right next to the front door so you can hang up your keys as soon as you walk in, yet I ALWAYS find my fiancee's keys on the living room table, in the bathroom, on the bed, etc, irks me to no end
Building on thay key thing, one thing that really pissed me off about Brandi is that she was always losing her keys, and then asking to borrow mine. She wouldn't even put in any real effort to look for her own.
not much bothers me, except when people assume. when you assume, invariably you make an ASS out of U and ME, but generally just U, especially when you ASSume things about ME.
My pet peeve invovles both taxi drivers, and couriers, and their unswerving efforts to run me over when I'm walking to work. :mad:
My innermost peeve is punctuality. I can't stand it when people say that they will be somewhere by 'x' time, and then end up 30+ minutes late each and every time with absolutely no reason or regard for anyone else but themselves. Once or twice is cool ... we all been hung up before... but someone who can never get it together, chaps my hide to no end.
What gets me is my roomates leaving their dirty clothes on the floor of the bathroom and NOT using the washer. They just pile it on until the door can't open anymore. It's a small bathroom. And when they DO use the washer, they just leave the clothes in there for me to find. Same with the dryer.

Another peeve is my roomates leaving their dirty dishes around the house and claiming they didn't do it. Same with smoking. I find ashes in a pop can and they all swear to high heaven it wasn't them. As if the ashes just MAGICALLY appeared in the pop.

Feels good to get THAT off my chest.

BeardofPants said:
My pet peeve invovles both taxi drivers, and couriers, and their unswerving efforts to run me over when I'm walking to work. :mad:

Not to worry. I'd only run you down if you were holding my pants for ransom. :D
People i hate said:
i have a hard time reading messages this was

how ru 2day.

this isnt a damn liscnece plate people there is room to type the full word without making the other person confused.

also in my dorm i live all alone(no roomie) but my suitemates have a habbit of pissing then not flushing. smells awful and makes me gag
What i meant to say was that i hate people who write like that. Sorry for any confusion.
"how r u 2day"?

I just typed that on my own. I don't understand how people can do that. I had to think of those letters and search for a couple keys. I typed these four sentences in the same time it took me to type that quote.

I think real typing is just something that's ingrained into my subconscious now. I can't stand to type like that above.

You know, I bet it also takes the people who type like that longer than if they just typed normally... unless they're illiterate. Then I don't even know what they're doing on the internet.
Another pet peeve I discovered today while shopping....people have a staring problem...What? Is there something on my face or on my butt I don't know about???
I hate it when people say thing like 'hey guess what' or 'this is so cool' and the say 'nevermind' when you ask them what they're on about. Bloody annoying.
pc_builder said:
What gets me is my roomates leaving their dirty clothes on the floor of the bathroom and NOT using the washer. They just pile it on until the door can't open anymore. It's a small bathroom. And when they DO use the washer, they just leave the clothes in there for me to find. Same with the dryer.

Another peeve is my roomates leaving their dirty dishes around the house and claiming they didn't do it. Same with smoking. I find ashes in a pop can and they all swear to high heaven it wasn't them. As if the ashes just MAGICALLY appeared in the pop.

Ah, yes, another of the things that pissed me off about my ex. The clothes thing didn't really piss me off, per se, but it got annoying after a while when they would back up out the door, and I'd have to stand on them after I got outof the shower, instead of the rug on the floor that's meant for a wet person to stand on it. What pissed me off more was that she and her guests (usually cousins) always stole my towel--the same towel I wipe my balls on to dry them, mind you--and I'd find it later buried in a pile, still wet and still wrinkled.

And Brandi was also bad about dirty dishes. And I even found the ashes in a soda can a few times... which not only is gross, but is proof that somebody didn't follow my "no smoking in my house or car" rule; the one rule I always made clear from the beginning and always stuck by no matter what.