Opposite of Boo's post...

Hthrly said:
Ok. I am Heather. Rick's Heather.

There are a few things i would like to say about this. Some of you are bashing me before they even know me. and that's okay.

I am 20 years old. I do love Rick. I was engaged before i met Rick. I decided to sign a year lease with him thinking it would last. low and behold, it didn't. I did move into my sisters. I then decided i would rather live at my mom's house. Rick and i started dating just before i wanted to move into my mom's. He knew i would have to sleep in the living room on a mattress on the floor. it was either that or move back in with my ex. no way. Rick asked me to move in with him. Mind you, he's never even let someone stay the night let alone live with him. That alone took ALOT for him to do that. I really do appreciate that.
Things have been pretty good minus the bumps in the road that any realationship would go thru. He's taken great strides to make an effort to show me he loves me.
Yes he has paid his bills and most of my food. I had to pay rent for a place i was not living at. Plus, my own 2002 car. My own bills. i came straight from highschool to living with a serious partner. I don't want to sign a lease with anyone for obvious reasons. i'm afraid that something would happen were i would be stuck in the same situation. I want to say that i can take care of myself even if it's only a year. Rick has had the experience of living on his own. I'm just saying that if i fall flat on my face living on my own, i will be happy knowing that i atleast tried. if that doesn't make sense, i'm sorry.
Bottom line, I love rick and i don't want it to end. If i do this, it's just to better myself in the long run. It's not the same if i pay him a certain amount every month. i want to be able that Heather could take care of Heather and not need anyone to help me with this financially (sp?).

i know this was long, but i just wanted people to hear my side as well.

u guys may not hear from me that often. i want to leave this site for rick. i just want to see what u guys think about this situation.

Actually, until I got down to your post I was gonna say pretty much what you've said about going from one serious relationship straight into another and needing the experience of living on your own... insight into certain things comes with experience and age... plus I have 4 neices aged from 15 to 22. :)

I know some people may think that's selfish... I for one don't. I think it's a necessary part of growing up.

CheeseRocket if you really love her let her prove herself. And if you need help paying the bills get a room-mate and make sure he pays half the bills! Or get a smaller place. You know the old saying about letting something you love go... well it's true. :)