Opposites attract. Or do they?


New Member
What's your take on the whole "opposites attract" thing? Do you think two people need to have a lot in common to make things work? Or is it better when there isn't a lot in common because you get exposed to new things?

About a year after Rusty and I met, my mother had a "talk" with me. She said that Rusty and I were too different to make a relationship last and she worried about our future together. She said she told my sister the same thing when she got married and lo, she was divorced a year and half later.

I promptly told my mother (in a semi-nice way) that she could keep her prejudice to herself, she knew nothing of Rusty and my relationship with him, and that that was the last conversation we were going to have on the subject.

Six years later, she's very fond of him and is throwing money at us so we can finally be married. :shrug:

What happened in those six years is that she got to know him and how we balance each other's differences in personality. Rusty and I share very few things in common but we've learned from and compromised with each other and we're great together.

So what about it, those in LTR's or married... Did/do you have a lot in common with your spouse?
greenfreak said:
What's your take on the whole "opposites attract" thing? Do you think two people need to have a lot in common to make things work? Or is it better when there isn't a lot in common because you get exposed to new things?


So what about it, those in LTR's or married... Did/do you have a lot in common with your spouse?

Nope. The only thing we really have in common is love for each other. Then...that's always best, innit?
we didnt have a lot in common when we first got together. over the years, our interests have merged.
We've always had a lot in common since we first met, it's kinda continued from there and we both seem perfectly happy with that even though here and there we do have our own things.
i think it definitely is a case by case thing.
i've dated guys who i had nothing in common with. my first real boyfriend was pretty much the exact oposite of me in many ways. and most of the time the relationship sucked.

my mom has a saying she says sometimes...

"opposites attract... trouble".

but it's a case-by-case thing fo' sho'.
To me it doesn't matter if we have a lot in common or if we are complete opposites. However we must have one thing in common: willing and capability to solve our differences.
If you've got absolutely notning in common at all it won't owrk. Differences are good but you gotta have at least something in common.
I think it all depends. My ex and I didn't have all that much in common, but we did find things we did like. He's now my ex.

My new boyfriend and I have some things in common, and other things are completely different, but we compromise.

Character wise, both have been opposites. I'm very outgoing, bubbly, easy to talk to, not shy at all in a crowd, etc. Most of the men I've been with have been the quiet shy types. My mother seems to think I need someone who's bubbly and outgoing like me as well, but I don't mind the quiet ones. Keeps me in line as well sometimes. I think if the love is there and strong, you can make things work.
Opposites as in personality, not interests. Basically it means that two agressive people won't work, and neither will two passive people. Every team has to have a leader. But if you can both manager to be leader at different times, that works best. Outside the house, I lead, inside, I try to get her to.
Definetley I believe it and the proof is me myself and my mate. She has to be opposite to marry and stay with me for over 33+ years. Oh Hi long time I know. :swing:
My wife and I have little in common. I'm somewhat conservative on most topics, she's a tree hugging liberal. We do balance each other out though, have a lot of fun arguing with each other, but always remember not to insult, just argue.
Actually in the political and religous realms, there's rarely a winner or loser. Most other things, yeah, she wins.
PT said:
My wife and I have little in common. I'm somewhat conservative on most topics, she's a tree hugging liberal. We do balance each other out though, have a lot of fun arguing with each other, but always remember not to insult, just argue.

Tis a good point... name calling etc doesn't really get you anywhere.... Now a good pillow fight or wrestle will decide a winner :D & is much more fun.
Liliandra said:
Tis a good point... name calling etc doesn't really get you anywhere.... Now a good pillow fight or wrestle will decide a winner :D & is much more fun.

I love wrestling with my significant other. it's so much fun as long as we're not too rough and hurt each other by mistake.