Opposition Parties Topple Canadian Government

Canadians are a bunch of europussies

They'd better start getting ready for the moosie invasion?
Canadian Government falls along with Egypts

I'm so glad we got free healthcare like the Canadians.
The tenth

do you have a constitutional fetish?

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution,
nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Opposition is futile

Vote of non-confidence for both the faulty budget and the Prime Minister's treatment of the House.

We go back to the polls in May (2), and try it all again. Probably with another minority gvt, but hopefully with a larger part of the population voting this time out.

I'm surprised that this isn't something you Americans havn't thought up before. Imagine throwing Obama out of office and sending the people back to the polls to see who'll replace him.

On a side note...some of our parties have a decent sense of humour. Take a look at this Error 404 that appeared on the New Democrats web-site
It this the part where Canadians become tea party members?

Bish what constitutes a faulty budget?

Prime Minister's treatment of the House
What was the problem? Were not enough sprinkles on the treats?
What does that even mean?

We go back to the polls in May (2), and try it all again.
Do you have any reason to believe the new govt. will be any different?
Honestly I have no idea what the Canadian on the street wants?
Is it really any different than what the average man on the street
in America wants?

I'm surprised that this isn't something you Americans havn't thought up before.
Well I'd say two things on that concept:
1. The thought up part was penned some 235 years ago and it's worked OK
at least until recently when it has been blatantly disregarded and
2. The idea of have a government that hasn't anyone in charge
is rather inefficient doncha think? i.e. minority gvt
A budget that doesn't address the deficit, spends more than discussed/agreed upon and supports crony ism would be a bad budget.

The House of Commons - Parliament. Refusing to give details on specific expenditures in the billions of dollars despite requests by Parliament.

The new GVT will be somewhat different...how different depends on what happens over the next few weeks. Power may shift one way or another - and likely will. Certain MPs have resigned and are not seeking re-election. Others have been slammed hard enough in the press that they're unlikely to win at Bingo, much less this election. It'll be different...how different is something we'll see after the 2nd. :shrug:

As for what the 'people' want - representational gvt. The current leader (Harper) is a bit of a ego-centrist. Doesn't listen to his own party, much less the rest of the country.

Minority gvts don't happen all that often... it IS supposed to force all the parties to work together because they don't have enough oomph to go it alone. This type of gvt has been around since the early 1700's - beat'cha ;)
Canadian Government falls along with Egypts

Well now don't that sound a whole lot like whats a goin' on down here in the lower 48?
Re: Canadian Government falls along with Egypts

Well now don't that sound a whole lot like whats a goin' on down here in the lower 48?

And wouldn't you just love to have the opportunity to kick the President out of office prior to 2012 instead of waiting to see what other messes you have to clean up once Palin's in office.