Oprah Sees Manhattan Under Water


New Member
Looks to me that this is a shamless plug for Gore and a ratings booster...


On Monday's edition of Oprah, devoted to "Moms Around the World," Oprah Winfrey talked to an Eskimo mom, Mary Swisher, about the challenging life in Kotzebue, Alaska, but Winfrey turned the conversation to how global warming is ruining an Alaskan town, and then pleaded for everyone in the audience to see Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth, "coming out on DVD November 21st," because it warns that "millions of people are going to have to move" when the glaciers melt, "including Manhattan, where the water's gonna rise."

After talking to Swisher about the high cost of groceries in isolated Kotzebue, where the food is flown in daily, and exotic Eskimo cuisine, which Oprah refused to try on camera, she asked "So do you see evidence of global warming where you live?" Swisher said yes, that the residents of the town of Kivalina are going to have to move in the next year oir two since waves crash at their door and global warming has "eaten away their beach."

Oprah then unreeled the speech: "If everybody has not seen [An] Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore’s documentary, which is coming out on DVD November 21st, you should because that’s what he describes in the documentary, that that is what is going to happen all over the world as the glaciers melt, the water’s gonna rise, and people in communities where they’re located next to the ocean, next to the shore, all of these millions of people are going to have to move at some point, if something isn’t done, including Manhattan, where the waters’s gonna rise. So thank you very much for being here to share."

Swisher replied: "Thank you for having me."

Oprah concluded over applause on the way to a commercial break: "It’s happening, global warming."
To my knowledge, it's for the entire race, with eskimo as big an insult as Indian is to native americans ... or Amerindians, as they're now called.
Any idea if thats what they've always called themselves, or if its some form of modern decided upon designation?

Inuit or Eskimo: Which names to use?

by Lawrence Kaplan

Although the name "Eskimo" is commonly used in Alaska to refer to all Inuit and Yupik people of the world, this name is considered derogatory in many other places because it was given by non-Inuit people and was said to mean "eater of raw meat." Linguists now believe that "Eskimo" is derived from an Ojibwa word meaning "to net snowshoes." However, the people of Canada and Greenland prefer other names. "Inuit," meaning "people," is used in most of Canada, and the language is called "Inuktitut" in eastern Canada although other local designations are used also. The Inuit people of Greenland refer to themselves as "Greenlanders" or "Kalaallit" in their language, which they call "Greenlandic" or "Kalaallisut." Most Alaskans continue to accept the name "Eskimo," particularly because "Inuit" refers only to the Inupiat of northern Alaska, the Inuit of Canada, and the Kalaallit of Greenland, and is not a word in the Yupik languages of Alaska and Siberia.

Wasn't this whole Manhattan under water thing already tried in a comedy movie? Oh sorry, that wasn't water, it was ice. Day After Tomorrow.
that movie sucked

Actually, it blew. And it was so stupid it went beyond funny and back around to stupid. "It's going to be 800 below, but shut the doors and burn a few books in the fireplace and you'll be fine..."


yeah here's a pic i took last night in chicago of MIDGET wrestling.

Bar staff, one assumes. Blue shirt in the background. Of course you didn't notice, evidently you're too PC. :tardbang:

Survey says...BZZZTTT. The guy in the blue shirt looks Filipino. You may now collect your consolation prize. tissue

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