Orange Alert!


molṑn labé
Staff member
High threat od imminent attack in the US, SA, & several smaller countries.

Well? Should we be scared for the next few days?
Federal law-enforcement officials said that among the intelligence picked up recently were two electronic transmissions that discussed the possibility of an attack on New York, Washington, Boston and more broadly the U.S. coastlines

Overseas, U.S. officials also took additional security measures. The United States, Britain and Germany temporarily closed their embassies and consulates in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday following warnings.

The Federal Aviation Administration is planning to temporarily prohibit flights over sports stadiums and restrict small private planes flying within a 17.25-mile radius of the Washington Monument, said agency spokeswoman Laura Brown.

ABC News
yeah, US paranoia.....

the negative travelling advice to malaysia & thailand by the US and some other countries clearly made sense as well :rolleyes:
chcr said:

Precisely what I think & that is the scary part. They've (our gubmint) done this so many times now it's becoming a burden to even pay attention. That is when the strike will happen.
but then i wonder; where is the line between a valid threat and paranoia?

taking precautions is one thing, but the US is tending to take it a bit far. of course, most people will disagree with me on that one.
I'd rather have paranoia and a (possible false) feeling of security than have it ignored and have another 9/11. It hits too close to home for me to think that it's not neccessary.
true, greenfreak. that's what makes this even harder. i think the US is being paranoid in some cases, but then again i've never been that close to a terrorist attack, so it's hard to judge.
but terrorist attacks can happen everywhere. they are hard to prevent because there has to be only one fool with crazy ideas. i know, that doesn't mean that nothing has to be done to prevent attacks, but if it starts to dominate life, it's going too far in my opinion.
Yeah, I know what you're sayin too. :) It's made any travel into NYC really difficult among other things but where does it end? How will we ever be able to not live in fear again? With time. But that's what these assholes wait for; for us to feel comfortable and safe again. :(
Don't get me wrong, GF. Up until 9/11 national security was a joke. It could still use some work. I just think that the government issuing an "orange alert" every major holiday is spurious. By the time there really is one, nobody will pay attention to it.