Oregon high court rules for Scouts, against atheist mother


New Member
The ACLU got bitch slapped on this case...

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — A Portland elementary school didn't discriminate against an atheist first-grader by requiring his presence at a Boy Scout recruiting session held at lunch time, the Oregon Supreme Court ruled on Friday.

The Scout oath requires members "to do my duty to God and my country," but simply providing information to pupils in public schools isn't discrimination under Oregon Law, the court said.
Guilt by association?
He pointed to a footnote in which the court said it didn't see how state law "prohibits an organization, even a hate group, from making a neutral presentation to students, or how such a presentation, even by a hate group, necessarily would subject a person to differential treatment or discrimination."
The scouts are now considered a hate group?
Since when are scout rallies mandatory? I coulda swore it was an independent organization apart from the gubbmint.

Gonz, its not the scouts that are a hate group. It's the public school system itself.
Guilt by association?

The scouts are now considered a hate group?

So, analogy to make a point is only okay if you agree with the point or only if it's you who are making the point?

requiring his presence at a Boy Scout recruiting session

If it had been voluntary, there wouldn't be a thing to say. Schoolboys in another land were once required to attend Deutsches Jungvolk recruiting sessions, weren't they?

Dissenting, Justice Rives Kistler said the Scouts told the pupils any boy could join, but that wasn't true.
...and then they lied.
Quite true that as well. I do remember all that stink over the last 15 years were declared atheist kids were kicked out of scouts regardless of how well they otherwise performed their duties.
Girl Scouts has a program called inclusion. No girl is left out regardless of whatever. You're a girl ages 5-17? Welcome aboard....I thought this was the same for Boy Scouts but apparently not. They are completely seperate organizations though.
Which is it?
The state Supreme Court said the Boy Scout recruiting process treated all students equally.
Dissenting, Justice Rives Kistler said the Scouts told the pupils any boy could join, but that wasn't true.

chcr said:
So, analogy to make a point is only okay if you agree with the point or only if it's you who are making the point?
The BSA is analagous to a hate group?
The BSA is analagous to a hate group?

They hold those that they find different from them as less than themselves. Yes, that's analogous to a hate group. :rolleyes: It doesn't make them a hate group and there is certainly no reason why they can't, but that doesn't make the analogy invalid.

Which is it?

The state Supreme Court said the Boy Scout recruiting process treated all students equally.
Dissenting, Justice Rives Kistler said the Scouts told the pupils any boy could join, but that wasn't true.
It's clearly the second. The scouts said any boy could join and that's simply a lie. That the court found in their favor is a perfect example of judges rewriting law which you rail against when they make a decision you don't agree with. You should be in comedy because you are hilarious. :lol:
I'm not for or against either side. You do jump to conclusions an awful lot. The story says the state court ruled one way but a dissenter of that opinion disagreed with the ruling so she said the opposite. It 's not clear what happened. This paragraph leads me to lean towards the courts decision.

"It is in the later enrollment in the organization that the Boy Scouts differentiate among those who do not profess a belief in the deity and those who do," the court said. "That enrollment, however, is not done by the school district, nor is it done in any public elementary school activity."

ps-State courts are not federal courts. I don't piss & moan about state decisions that often.
They hold those that they find different from them as less than themselves.

That really is quite a leap. We don't want you as part of our group because we don't share a common belief is hardly equal to We're better than you.
I discriminate therefore i am?

or - i am, therefore i discriminate?

Descartes by any other name ... ;)
Just because I see the point the court is making doesn't mean I have to pick a side. I have no dog in this fight.

Apparently I am that naive. I do not see that exclusion equates to superiority. I don't make that leap without other evidence to support it, somehow.