The reason we've been 'policing' the world has been because the world has always asked us to help. Hedonism, as you like to point out, is
not just a US 'weakness'.
n : the pursuit of pleasure as a matter of ethical principle
he·don·ism Pronunciation Key (hdn-zm)
Pursuit of or devotion to pleasure, especially to the pleasures of the senses.
Philosophy. The ethical doctrine holding that only what is pleasant or has pleasant consequences is intrinsically good.
Psychology. The doctrine holding that behavior is motivated by the desire for pleasure and the avoidance of pain.
Get the picture? According to the dictionary,
ANYONE who prefers pleasure to pain is a hedonist.
You are correct about the US in WW2, however you only tell half the story. The US, when WW2 began, was neutral. We sold to the Germans, the French, the English, the Russians, and anyone else who had the scratch to pay our prices. As for Phol Pot,
that was a
HUGE mistake. It's not the kind of mistake that the US, alone, has made before, either, nor was it the first time we paid for such a mistake (we propped up the Shah of Iran in the 50's when Iran first tried to get rid of him). Suffice it to say, that it is much easier to point out flaws in a plan 20-or-more years after it was implemented than when it's first laid out on the table. This is not as ass-chewing, as I feel that you have the capacity to see the whole picture, but just a friendly reminder to put all facts out before making a judgement.
Oh...BTW...Being in the military, I have no great liking to be one of the world's 'policemen'. My job is to defend my country...
NOT someone elses. The reason why we end up in all of these little fracases is because the public and, therefore the government,
puts me in those situations. Imagine the shock if the US military told the rest of the world to get stuffed when another country starts being genocidal...