

molṑn labé
Staff member
does anyone even care this year?

sounds like Chicago is the head honcho this year.

Nice to hear they are behaving themselves.
100% pathetic how the actors were trying to promote their anti-war idea.

talk about the wrong subject in the wrong place, at the wrong time.
yeah - there were some comments (at others' expense) that I could have done without ... shocker of the year: Eminem's Oscar for Best Original Song "Lose Yourself" ... great song - just thought it'd be overlooked ...
*agrees with Shadow*

the thing is, they have the Right to Free Speech ... but ... you know, there's such a thing as decorum .. and social structure ... the dude that won for Best Actor was so gracious in the way he presented his speech - just saying whether you believe in God or Allah, may He watch over all of us ... that was touching ... but Michael Moore ... bad form ... entirely bad form ...
yeah, Michael Moore...pathetic. i expected him to be dragged off the stage to be honest :D too bad they didn't.

right to free speech...yeah, means that you're allowed to give your opinion on things. but that doesn't mean that every time is the best time to say whatever you want.
when i'm giving a presentation about a project i've done, and a few dozen people come to listen to me, and get informed about my activities of the last few weeks, i'm not gonna start a totally non-related story about whether i do or do not support the war.

the war has a big impact on the world, but it has its limits. there is more happening in the world than just the war.
Shadowfax said:
the war has a big impact on the world, but it has its limits. there is more happening in the world than just the war.

right now, the war is the impact on the world, not just a big impact ... but I know what you're saying - like I said, there's such a thing as common courtesy that should have been practiced by Mr. Moore ...

alladin - I know! I thought for sure U2 had that one! That was a great song ... actually, they were all great songs ... well written ... well scored ... well done ...
lowest ratings in Oscar history...did the people have somehting to say to Hollyweird? :headbang: