OTC a part of a new facet of socialization???


Well-Known Member
We take this place for granted, we really do. A lot of the time when, we, members post here, willing to share our two cents into the mix we don?t realize we are on the forefront of what is possibly a whole new facet of socialization. A possible Utopia of utter communication riches not brought down by the feeble differences that plague our judgments otherwise available in real life situations.

Think about it: A community where the denizens come from around the world in a harmonious setting for casual or engaging conversation. No weaknesses that we attribute to ourselves such as physical shame or other nagging mental atrocities plague our train of thought here. With the tangible variable of socialization erased from the situation we can judge the words of others and only that. Our opinion of others is not tainted by preconceived notions of certain races or ethnicities that we may harbor within us. Age, nor looks, nor location is of any consideration in the digital community of OTC or any other board that acts as such a medium.

Advantages: This, for me, is a valuable source of communication, an opinionated source. A cornucopia of opinions and view points on one subject. Angles and perspectives that a newspaper can not provide and different POVs an editorial fails to achieve.

Through decent moderation an abundance of desirable traits can develop in an online community. Moderation is key towards attraction of new members and stability of the growing arena of conversations. OTC strikes a near perfect balance with its moderation. I will admit that, at times, I wished, and still do wish at times, that moderation could be more lax but in the end of it all , the governing members here do their job with more than sufficient results and desirable ruling qualities.

Maintenance This place is well maintained. Not much to add to this. Clean and to the point. No ads are a huge plus.

Diversity Ability to have your views read by the world and examined and evaluated by those who don't necessarily share your perspective in your society but also from other societies.

Opinions undone What is more deserving to a thoughtful thought than a thoughtful thoughts thoughtful audience? Ability to share one?s mental spew is a huge plus. Things we necessarily don't burden our primary relationship denizens with we put forth here. Curiosity asks and answers questions.


Growing pains As a good thing grows entropy strikes eventually to make the giant fall. OTC is not without entropy either. As more members join the site runs a good chance of degrading, but as a fairly new member here I can conclude that OTC doesn't have to worry about the eventual downfall yet. New members join at a rapid pace but they also disappear at a rapid pace. It balances out somewhat. A lot of the members here join, then post vehemently and furiously, and then disappear into obliquity and oblivion. I have yet to see many of them return. Nonetheless OTC stands a chance of downfall over time. Sad, but an unfortunate fact.

Growing pains of the facet as a whole The whole plethora of Message boards stand to lose ground to absurdity. Many boards already exist for the sole purpose of lude posting and frivolous bantering laced with sexual innuendo and perverse intentions. Message boards stand to have a lot of potentials communication and effiency mediums but I fear they'll go the way of the chat rooms.

OTC is a excellent leader of my example of what to do right in a forum. Yes the threads can degenerate into oblivion, yes they can be popcorn fluff a lot of the time and yes "OT" of OTC can be taken literally when posting but overall this place does more right then wrong. This is not exactly meant to be praise for OTC but its recognition as a part of something great. To me atleast.

Any thoughts?
You've come a long way BCD. From fluffy/inane posting to pulitzer material writings. Well done, young Padouane :)

It's a good wrap-up of our present state, but do you have a foretelling and some hints to make this a more positive outcome?
MrBishop said:
You've come a long way BCD. From fluffy/inane posting to pulitzer material writings. Well done, young Padouane :)

Thank you.

It's a good wrap-up of our present state, but do you have a foretelling and some hints to make this a more positive outcome?

The only things i can come up with is keep up the good work. The moderation and administration is well and dandy so far and is constantly present and onhand with occuring issues. Leslie is quick to act when it comes to over zealous threads or downright moronic ones.

I am in no place to judge because I am as much a festering boil on OTC's ass as the next troll. Luckily the average poster here is well and mature with an exception of here and there and few. This place really is a well rounded forum. The future is not ours to see but i hope it bodes well for this place.

Makes you wonder where OTC will be in 1, 5, 10, 20 years from now?
In 20 years...wow!

Hmmm....We'll all be entering our middle-ages. Some of us will have retired and gone into senior centers. The Trolls will be bitching and moaning about the kiddies online. This place will be a virtual café, where you can enter in your e-presence, actually sit down, order a latté and sip it while arguing over the latest political problems with Pope/President Schwartzenegger.

Hmmm...good thread idea :)
Middle aged? You mean in 20 years Gonz is gonna be middle aged? How many people do you know that are 120 years old? :lol:

*runs* :bolt:
Maintenence should be moved to the CONS column. This place is pay-to-play suppourted by donations from its members. Such a revenue sources is not perpetual, regular, nor guaranteed. Its a problem that will surface ... but at least has some measure of predictability.
I've had these thoughts a couple times, but you put them into words very nicely. Well done, BCD. :wink2: