OTC political map

each test is slighted violently to the tastes of the writer. each test yields massive variations in results.

Heres my test:

1. You're either with me or against me. A. I'm good with that. B. Piss off

2. Rob is our leader. A. Save us from ourselves o wise Rob. B. What have you been smoking?

If you answered all A's: Follow the line to the left where you will be issued a nifty starchy dark coloured uniform and taught how to wield cattleprods.

If you answered in any other form: You will be herded up by our friendly assistants with cattleprods and set out for reNeducation.
eeeexcelent... My plans for world domination are coming along nicely.

Gonz, You are hereby my interior minister. Suit up...

*Shoves a dark heavily starched uniform across the table
*adds a monacle and a riding crop
*bestows the 'service to the empire medal 2nd class with oak clusters (it looks strangely like a gaudy 70s disco meadllion)
* aye aye Sir. Can I have Wesern Europe, please? So many things to do, so little time. :dance:
Nalani, You shall be my finance minister. Suit up...

*shoves a dark lightly starched peek a boo teddy across the table
*adds a riding crop and a Visa card
*bestows a gaudy 70s disco medallion (which looks strangely like a 'service to the empire medal 2nd class without oak clusters)
yes .. go forth to western europe to conquer!

Be sure to wear warm socks and write every day...

...and bring me back a nice chocolate bar.
Sir, yes SIR!

*puts on the teddy, stuffing the Visa card against my bosom for safe keeping*
*tosses the riding crop on the side .... for later*
*struggles to put on that medallion*

what's my first job?
Its all part of my master plan for world domination:

30 year prolonged handjob->? (in planning stage)->world domination

...sooo deceptively simple
30 years? holyphreakingcow ... that's scarier than wanting a definition in a week :D

*the part about moving into the planning stage is edited for content*