OTC Time


New Member
Hmm, so I kinda forgot I'd changed my password & removed cookies etc. Logged out - tried opening a new page now & it told me to log back in. No prob, I'll do that real quick - wrong! You put in the wrong password beatch....allrighty then, I'll fill in my e-mail addy in this nice little form provided & have it sent to me.

2 minutes later - Nope, sorry dear, no new password just yet.....this here linky will take you to a page that will show you your password has been reset....do what you must (we have faith in your abilities to follow such easy instructions)......fine, I can follow instructions as well as the next person.....

Get an e-mail 5 minutes later - here ya go Alpha, we gave you a brand spanking new password, just clickety click on this link & input it there to reset your password. Fine, no problem, even a challenged individual such as myself can do that......click link, input pasword.........

SORRY BEATCH!!!!! Your request to reset your password was made more than 24 hours ago now piss off & leave me in peace...........erm, I'm sorry Mr Server Dude - but are you on acid, when in hell did 10 minutes from start to finish become 24 hours?
All modern programs supplied by the government are clean and efficient. There is no possiblity of errrrrrrrrrrrrror ... *POP* (smoke billowing out)
Nah, it was only on the second page I tried to open.................eventually worked after refreshing like I'm getting paid............closed the page & got the same thing when I tried opening it again - now I'll just stick to one page :shrug:
ok...try deleting all your cookies again but this time leaving your password alone :D

that oughta do it

I think :confbang: