otcentral frapper

Would somebody be kind enough to post a screenshot of the map, s'il vous plait?

For some reason the map won't display on my browser - I keep getting an error message. And it makes me all the more curiouser as to what it looks like. :lloyd:
Sharky said:
Would somebody be kind enough to post a screenshot of the map, s'il vous plait?

For some reason the map won't display on my browser - I keep getting an error message. And it makes me all the more curiouser as to what it looks like. :lloyd:
BeardofPants said:
What browser you usin', Sharky? Shows up find in mine (safari).

Safari. I get the page with a blank box where the map goes, and this error message:

JavaScript said:
The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this web site at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/.

I tried it with IE 5.2 and got the same result. :shrug:
Why can I only se Starya's flag and noone else's? All the names are listed down the side...
Its done that to me a few times ,but they usually show up on subsequent visits.


I think they mean the little red thumbtack like markers.
