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OTCentral is a flanker's paradise.


Anybody else think planes are seriously cool? :)

I'm patial to the F22...until the F35 JSF is out


f-22_2.jpg, 40.75kb

Do you think we would know if it did? ;)

The F117 first flew in the 70's. Yes, that's right. It went nearly twenty years completely secret from the general population. Now, that was a while ago. What do you think they have been doing the last two or three decades? ;)

jets are cool, what's the top speed a jet has ever reached ??

mach 4 ??
Officially, the SR71 was a bit above Mach 3. Because it was an air breathing jet, I doubt it could go too much faster than this. Mach 3.5 on a good day possibly.

The fastest plane is the X-15, but it was a rocket powered craft. Not sure what it's top speed was, but it was pretty fast.

I guess the Shuttles might be considered the fastest planes, but they don't really "fly" horizontally, they just go up, and then drop back to Earth, barely able to glide well enough to land. Still, 17000+ mph isn't to shabby.
MitchSchaft, I agree that Thunderbolt II's kick ass!!! There's an awesome pic of one landed after taking hundreds of anti-aircraft rounds floating round the web... will have to dig it out. The plane was literally shot to shit but the dude still managed to land it. Definitely the ugliest, coolest, bastit-child of a plane ever. :D

X-15 hit Mach 5 I think, and also broke some surface ceiling records. But as you say... rocket powered.

Wouldn't be suprised if we see a few records broken by scramjet/aerospike-based hypersonic planes in the near future.


P.S. F-22 5UXX0r5! Eurofighter r00|Z!!! :headbang:
A USMC KC-130F Hercules aboard USS Forrestal (CVA 59) in October 1963...


This aircraft conducted several landings and takeoffs, without the use of arresting wires, catapults or RATO/JATO, to test the possibility of using C-130s as Carried Onboard Delivery (COD) aircraft. The trials were successful, but the C-130 could not be accommodated in a carrier's hangar and could not land without disrupting flight operations, so the concept was abandoned.


The SR-71 and all its variants is definitely one of my favourite planes. http://www.sr-71.org/ has loads of stuff on it includes the full flight manual and loads of construction diagrams. Looks so old-tech these days!!! :)

Don't know what the hell is going on at The "Skunkworks"... but I'm sure the US government are happy that it takes alot of attention away from where ever they are REALLY developing the next generation of reconnaisance craft. Bet they moved out of Area 51 a long time ago. Probably to the UK because it's "expendable". :D :(
