OTCentral is a flanker´s paradise.

Bite me Mofo :D

Powerplant: Two Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 engines capable of supercruise and thrust vectoring

Speed: Mach 1.8 (supercruise: Mach 1.5)

Armament: Two AIM-9 Sidewinders; six AIM-120C Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM); one 20mm Gatling gun; and two, 1,000-pound Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM).

Crew: One

look, the eurofighter wants to be a concorde when it grows up


eurofighter.gif, 32.38kb

Area 51 has officially been vacant for a few years now. There is another, well known, "secret" facility not too far away... a few hundred miles I'd guess because I really don't remember.
Originally posted by Gonz
Bite me Mofo :D

Powerplant: Two Pratt & Whitney F119-PW-100 engines capable of supercruise and thrust vectoring

Speed: Mach 1.8 (supercruise: Mach 1.5)

Armament: Two AIM-9 Sidewinders; six AIM-120C Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM); one 20mm Gatling gun; and two, 1,000-pound Joint Direct Attack Munitions (JDAM).

Crew: One

look, the eurofighter wants to be a concorde when it grows up

Hehee... Yeah, I'll admit the Eurofighter is an inferior design in most ways, but not all.

Blame the French. All the baguette-holders slow it down and the croissant-shaped flightstick is confusing to say the least. Plus they think "thrust vectoring" is some kind of sexual maneuver. :D

Area 51 has officially been vacant for a few years now. There is another, well known, "secret" facility not too far away... a few hundred miles I'd guess because I really don't remember.

Area 54 maybe? Or is that just a myth... ;)

flanker, i thought you were posting a pic of neil back D

a love the a-10, we had loads of the hogs out my way when i was a kid, they were noisy and aggressive and scary [when you're 3] but theres something about the muscularity of it that appeals.
Being Canadian and all, I've not much to boast when it comes to armed forces. :rofl2:

But, here is the jewel of the Canadian airforce:

Canadian CF-18 Hornet

Length: 17.07 m
Wingspan: 12.31 m
Height: 4.66 m
Weight: 10,455 kg
Power: 2 General Electric F404 low bypass turbofans
Speed: Mach 1.8
Ceiling: 15,000 m
Range: 3,704 (more with air-to-air refueling)
Armament: Sidewinder and Sparrow air-to-air missiles, Maverick air-to-ground missile, conventional bombs and precision-guided bombs, rockets, and M-61 20mm cannon
Crew: 1 pilot (CF-18A), 2 pilots (CF-18B)
Year(s) procured: 1982 to 1988
Quantity in CF: 122 (60 operational/62 fighter training, testing and rotation)
Location(s): 3 Wing Bagotville, Que. 4 Wing Cold Lake, Alta.

CF-18 Refueling:





Nice planes....

I wonder how advanced jets would be if the russians had enough money to make them.