OUCH!, this could really hurt!

And what this irrelevant crap boils down to is as bad as Macarthiesm if there is a morsel of truth there. It's akin to saying that my grandfather was in World War II, and when the American troups met the Russian troups My grandfather sold and traded American cigarettes to the Russians. Therefore my grandfather was AIDING AND ABETTING COMMUNISM! OMG......

If this amounted to any real news it'd be smeared across Faux news quicker than you could say John Kerry.
catocom said:
I disagree with that too.
To me they are as different as night and day. They problem is, I like dusk, and dawn. :D

nah pull back from your perspective a bit. we have been brain washed into thinking the deferences between the two main parties are enormous somehow when its really mostly illusion. youve got two yale educated, rich, established, christian, white proffesional politicians here. sure they can fuss over who to give tax breaks to and when to blow up a bad guy but on the real complete scale of political thinking they inhabit the same room. in fact they are two hands on the same master puppeteer if you ask me. thanks to our system. a few more major parties would help with this problem but thats the issue. our system is stacked against them. so you get choices between "conservative" liberals and "compasionate" conservatives. ick. lets see some major parties with some radical ideas on how to run things emerge.
There is a huge difference between liberal & conservative. The difference still presents itself but in a much less flamboyant way when the label becomes Democrat & Republican. It is even less noticeable when the party to either side is a politician. With exceptions. There is no question that Teddy Kennedy is a liberal Democrat. Same went with Conservative Republican Jesse Helms. On the other hand, remember Nelson Rockefeller? How 'bout the Dem I'd vote for, Zel Miller.

In the end it comes down to politics. Thomas Jefferson said a politicians first job is to get re-elected. In order to do that they can't "disenfranchise" (how I've grown to hate that word) 50% of their electorate. In order for things to get done, they have to compromise.

There should be a core from which one is not willing to move or at least heaven & earth must both move in order to sway opinion. THAT is where you seperate leaders from politicians. Liberals still believe that government is the answer to most problems. Conservatives believe in the individual. Those are distinct differences.