Out of Character???


Well-Known Member
Acting out of character can be a releasing yet a frightening thing. Releasing the inhibitions to let forth the inner demon (or prude) and let it roam in the arcadia of absence of fear and judgement. I guess many jump at the chance of doing something so eccentric due to the monotony of their lives overtaking their better judgement and killing the happy child between. Some just do it for the experience because they love the oppertunity.

Anyone here fit into any one of those descriptions? Anyone here acted out of character just for the sheer experience?
Hmm... Yes, i have. That was one wild night.

I'm usually not very 'in character' since my mood shifts a lot... I have no idea what my 'default'(if you can call it that) personality is.:shrug:
apparently, i am always acting out of character...i think it is just because people don't understand my character...everything i do makes perfect sense to me and i rarely surprise myself.
tonks said:
...i think it is just because people don't understand my character...everything i do makes perfect sense to me and i rarely surprise myself.

A psychotic killer might say the same thing.
I try to be myself and not wear a mask all the time. I am the kind of person that wants to expierence a bunch of things and have stories to tell and know that I did a bunch of crazy things.
re : out of character???

this is tricky, cause who is it exactly that is the judge for whether you are acting out of character, each person you know, knows a different character. i know there's alot of things out there about being yourself and all that but being defferent characters is just that. i mean one person may think you're behaving totally out of character, but then another wouldn't think you were at all for doing exactly the same thing, it all just depends on the person you are around them the most, i'm not making sense:banghead: again
Re: re : out of character???

i'm usually a nice girl.
but i'm also a "crazy girl"
so when i go from smiles to rampages in .5 seconds, few are actually surpised.
I thought drink and drugs were so popular 'cos they help change our character? :confused:

I do enjoy sliding into another persona every now and again......it keeps people guessing;)
Well the sex stuff isnt out of character because it IS MY character to do wild things whenever possible.

I would say the most out of character thing Ive ever done is take a child and raise him as if he was my own (Shocked and stunned everyone I knew).

Dont know why they were shocked....it has been a plearsure to do.

Also out of character is loosing my temper. Not getting mad on a discussion board but I mean really loosing it, yelling, cussing, throwing stuff (not going to list hitting a person in anger becaust for me that is not an option...never has been never will be. I would never intentionally hurt any one ever with the exception of doing it to stop someone from hurting someone else).

Other things...keep the same car for more than 3 years...Its just not me. Staying with the same woman for more than 7 years....doesnt seem to ever happen. Keeping the same job for more than 4 years.....nope not me.

Keeping a child for 18 years....now that I can handle..
AnomalousEntity said:
Well the sex stuff isnt out of character because it IS MY character to do wild things whenever possible.
Isn't that the truth? :banana2:

Staying with the same woman for more than 7 years....doesnt seem to ever happen.
Look at it this way, you've got about five more years to see if that holds true....
My personas all tend to be similar to each other in the matter of morals and mores. There are slight differences between them, depending on who I am with. Obviously, I can't be expected to be serious and sublime when dealing with kids, any more than I can be funny and outrageous when at the workplace.

If you mean to competely become a new person, just for the hell of it, that'd take alcohol...and I don't really touch the stuff anymore. Frankly, I like the 'real me' more than the liquified me.