out of the mouths of babes ...


Well-Known Member
so, last night a friend of mine came over to help get rid of this little bee problem I've been having over the last several months ... so, he grabs two cans of bee killer spray stuff, and goes for broke ... of course, the bees weren't too happy about that and we ended up running back into the house. Well, the bee killer spray stuff turned my ordinary bees into "bees on crack" and they were trying anything to get into my house! :eek: I killed about 30 of them last night! Needless to say, my bedroom looked like an ancient bee burial ground ... dead bees everywhere .... then, my 11 year-old son comes in to my room, sees the mass of dead bees, and proclaims, "HOLY CRAP!"

If there were ever any doubt that he was my own flesh and blood, it was wiped away that very second ... *tears of pride*

I know where the nest is - but it's sort of "hidden" .. didn't think there were that many bees .. but, evidentally, they've made quite a home for themselves ... he was spraying like a mad man - loves to kill bee nests, but hates bees and is scared shitless of them :D

That's funny.

We had an ant problem when we first moved into our place and set about those little things that they crawl in, take the bait, and bring it back to home base to kill the rest of them.

In three days time, we had little shrivelled ant carcasses everywhere. I was amazed at the number of them, I was cleaning them up for days on end. They always say that you only see a few but there are hundreds of them somewhere--I believe it.

I find it to be proof that we censor oursleves in my house that Ted's first dirty word was "crap". Or maybe he was trying to say "clap", but since I'd just said "crap"...
My Zach was a hoot out in public,

when he was one-ish, he couldn't say 'Tr', and he looooooooooooooved trucks...

whenever we were out, everywhere we'd go, he'd point and yell as loud as he could...FWUCK! FWUCK! :blush:

then there was the asking everyone he got close to 'do you have a penis?' :lloyd:
My oldest son once told his Sunday School class that he wanted to pray for his Daddy to quit doing drugs. That was around about the same time I quit. :blank:
Yeah, I never thought he knew before that point, the kid was only 8 years old at the time, but he knew.
kuulani said:
*still disturbed for not knowing your friend was over*

the truth is, I don't know the "rules" of this sort of thing .. I mean, I'm not the "girlfriend" .. and he was over to kill the bees ... like, sometimes I don't know when Kilo is at your house, right? :p hehehehehe
I was 10 and my sister Rose was teasing me, as usual. I was trying to get my mother's attention to tell on her but she was talking to my uncle and ignoring me. We had about 10-15 relatives over. Finally, I got so tired of her nagging me, I yelled, as loud as I could, "SHUT UP PENIS-BREATH!!" That brought all the conversation to a stand still, then all my relatives burst out laughing and I looked at my Mom to see if I was in trouble or not and she was laughing too. I thought they were laughing at me so I started crying which made them laugh even harder.

I had recently seen E.T. and was only repeating what Drew Barrymore said in the movie, I had no idea what it meant. I didn't get punished either, they were laughing too hard. :)
OK...Standing in line at a bank and theres a 5-6 year old boy running amuck between people and under the stancion ropes etc...After several minutes, his mother, a mid 20s attractive woman, grabs him as he tries to run by her..."How would you like if I pulled down your pants and spanked you right here in front of all these people?" She asked sternly. "Go ahead." he defiantly replied. "And I'll tell them that you were kissing uncle Harry's peepee this morning...." With that, she scooped the child up and headed for the door turning the most glorious shade of red I've ever seen.... :rofl: