Out with the old

Rose said:
:( I'm still young but very depressed about the upcoming change in numbers.
you get it? i know my life is not over just suddenly i realized i'm a pushing 30 near divorcee with 2 toddlers....i bring so much to the table.
tonks said:
you get it? i know my life is not over just suddenly i realized i'm a pushing 30 near divorcee with 2 toddlers....i bring so much to the table.
I can relate to you Tonks :sadhug: .....HUGE-REALITY CHECK !!!! Its NOT easy, BUT you WILL be ok GF, believe me,Life does not stop and if I can do it-YOU can do it :hug: .
Ms said:
chill, babycakes... I'm gonna be 41 in a little over two weeks :eek13:

33 days for me.

Wassa matta Squiggy? I thought whine got better with age :rofl3:
tonks said:
sigh...just means i'm gonna be 30 in 6 months....i could get depressed.

Ah, I remeber 6 months ago when I turned 30.......it really pissed me off.

Then I realised that at 30 I do exactly the same as when I was 20...only better :swing:
Bah, i mainly don't give a fuck. A digit has changed in my systray clock, my hand is burned($¤"%#!" fireworks!)... I'll take the days as they come instead of getting all hyped up about OMG 2004!!!11!1!ONE!!111!!1
i still feel like a kid most times and then -SMACK- it hits me, i'm all growed up....sort of a buzzkill.
tonks said:
i still feel like a kid most times and then -SMACK- it hits me, i'm all growed up....sort of a buzzkill.

Wrong.... being grown up is WAY better than being a kid.... really! Your responsibilities are as few or as many as you choose. It is your decision how to behave, where to go, what to do, etc. No one to answer to but your conscience.

An INFINITELY superior state to being a kid. Wouldn't trade it for anything. :D
Ms Ann Thrope said:
An INFINITELY superior state to being a kid. Wouldn't trade it for anything. :D

I prefer to combine the best of both worlds..........the bod may have grown up, but the mind is still stuck on the playground :D
Ms Ann Thrope said:
Wrong.... being grown up is WAY better than being a kid.... really! Your responsibilities are as few or as many as you choose. It is your decision how to behave, where to go, what to do, etc. No one to answer to but your conscience.

An INFINITELY superior state to being a kid. Wouldn't trade it for anything. :D
True story.