Outage of server


Screwing with the code...
Staff member
looks like it went down sometime after 4:30 am indiana time. came back up at 8:30 am.
sorry this happened. Not sure why it did but i am trying to find out. Ill post more when i get more info.
Sorry again,
I think they Yugo escaped from the garage when they weren't looking. They were prolly all out on their bikes looking for it when I turned in my helpdesk ticket....I think that's why I didn't get a response right away. :shrug:
I had a powerfailure that followed the servers to almost the minute. I swear... the guy must be in my zip code. Heck.. he may be right down the block. You have a street addy or anything?
PuterTutor said:
You're Steve, aren't you Unc? :hmm:
Actually.. HomeLAN is a Steve... but not that Steve. They can't afford him.

...and I know as much about computers as your average Fijian basket vendor.
its in a datacenter in atlanta. they dont give any addy though. bummer. id have you and steve make a roadtrip with a server for them. :D
You sure one of your roomates doesn't have an old 486 in the basement?
Nah.. Theyve got a pair of P2 200-300ish range beasties.

HomeLAN packs a 486, though. Its the mascot of the LAN.
unclehobart said:
Nah.. Theyve got a pair of P2 200-300ish range beasties.

HomeLAN packs a 486, though. Its the mascot of the LAN.

It's dead, Jim.

I do have a Pentium 75 lying around, though.