Over 60 year old prophetic cartoon

That was a fine example of paid sponsorship by special interest groups and fear mongering using the slippery slope.
Nice to bring up a cartoon supporting McCarthyism. Oh, you didn't know that's what it was? :lol:

What if I don't want to worship your god? Do I still have freedom? (I guess not.)

Noticed there weren't a lot of black folks in 1948 in the USA. Just one kid in a classroom. Wow, things were so different then! ;) :rofl3:
McCarthy was right. The people he exposed, were, typically, communists.
When your government no longer follows the rule of law
you are no longer bound by the rule of law.

You must follow your conscience.
McCarthy was right. The people he exposed, were, typically, communists.
Actually they weren't. The main targets were educators, union activists, government employees and those working in the entertainment industry.

The congressional hearings were fed victims by forcing people to name others to save their own skin. Those with integrity and refused to lie were brought in front of a congressional hearing led by Joseph McCarthy. If you were brought before the hearing you were likely put on a black list where you would never be able to get a job again, destroying your career, regardless of whether you actually were a communist or not. Some people were tried under The Smith Act as a result of the hearings and sentenced to prison for treason on very little evidence. Those sentences were later overturned.

Belonging to the communist party or attending a communist rally is not a crime in this country. The McCarthy hearings were nothing more than a witch hunt to feed McCarthy's need for political power. Edward R. Murrow was right to go against him, tell the truth and help to bring him down. Murrow was an American hero. McCarthy and his warped ideas are not what this country was founded on and not what we are about. We are about FREEDOM not persecution.
Yeah, no commies on that list.
He said the people were communists. The majority were not. Even if they were they were not criminals and the point of the hearings was to make McCarthy a household name to increase his political power. It did make him a household name. However, McCarthyism and the McCarthy hearings were soon considered a dark and negative period in our history, right up there with the Salem Witch Trials and slavery.
Although perhaps not a cast of thousands, McCarthy’s suspects easily numbered more than a hundred. As Evans found combing through Senate records, FBI files, State Department reports and the Venona transcripts that our government made of cables sent by the Soviet Union to its agents, Sen. McCarthy’s suspicions were more than warranted.

Moreover, many of these agents were in key policymaking posts and some remained there even as Sen. McCarthy was in the process of investigating them.


Nope, being a commie wasn't a crime. Being a spy is.
Yet even as communist countries have failed across the world,
true believers intoned the conviction that “real communism”
had never been tried, and if it were, it would fulfill its promises
True communism cannot work. I'm actually fond of the idea. Unfortunately, humans are not insects.
America is finished.

Americans are insects, they will succumb to the allure of free stuff.

True communism cannot work. I'm actually fond of the idea. Unfortunately, humans are not insects.
I agree with your statement. True communism can not work. Neither can true capitalism. If it worked we would not have had to pass child labor laws, as one example. There must be a happy medium between protection of free enterprise and the citizens and workers. Humans are not perfect and not everyone is honest.
Those who are not honest can be tried for a crime.

Capitalism can work. Don't do business with those whom you disagee. If enough people stop using ACME, then ACME will change their ways.

Keep the federal government out of business. Allow states to control state interests. OSHA is a joke. However, it intimidates business owners every day.
Those who are not honest can be tried for a crime.

Capitalism can work. Don't do business with those whom you disagee. If enough people stop using ACME, then ACME will change their ways.

Keep the federal government out of business. Allow states to control state interests. OSHA is a joke. However, it intimidates business owners every day.
Can't try someone for a crime unless there is a law on the books regarding the practice. Good example. Thank you, I hadn't thought of that one yet.

You can stop doing business with Acme unless Acme has a monopoly. Anti-trust laws, another good example. Thanks!