Over-reacting is over-reacting...

outside looking in said:
If you could carry a weapon under your overcoat capable of killing thousands or millions in a single shot, then I'd have a problem with that too.

Thousands or millions of people carrying thousands or millions of guns can cause thousands or millions of deaths.... The reason people want guns is to protect themselves from other people's guns. Doesn't it make sense that a country would want arms capable of protecting themselves from other country's arms? You are aware that we have the largest cache of WMDs in the world, right?
Interesting, Hex. Of course, it doesn't mention that one of the main reasons for the drop in violent crime was the drop in the unemployment rate... ;)
We are a nation governed by fear.

That should be the focus. We're afraid of what's in our water, we're afraid of what's in our air, we're afraid of what's in our food. We're afraid of driving SUVS, or not driving SUVs. We' a-scared of the boogey-man essentially. I'm certainly glad our fore-fathers (all, not just the American variety) didn't have this mentality. Nothing would have gotten done. We'd still be living in caves & eating poison berries.

Go out, take charge of your life, quit asking for hand-outs or programs to fix the priblem & if, by some chance, you wish to buy a gun, carry that SOB on your hip in a leather holster.

George Carlin has a great act on the "Pussification of America" whuch can be carried to almost all other countries.

Oh, Squiggy, Iraq is a felon & has lost it's right to keep & bear arms :D
The UN has us on their high & mighty list, not the Top10 wanted felon list.
I've always understood. its just taken this long to make some others realize that its ALL just a politcal pecker contest...driven by greed.
Squiggy said:
I've always understood. its just taken this long to make some others realize that its ALL just a politcal pecker contest...driven by greed.

Politics is just a show for the rubes. Has been since 1973, when Nixon resigned. Nobody takes the presidency seriously unless there's a major problem (ie Iraq). If people would just get up and do some reading, then 95% of the bull we complain about would disappear. Look at what happens...Senator 'A' is coming up for re-election, so he attaches a rider to a bill for, say, Social Security, that gives his district 30 jobs. He hasn't really done anything for his district, and the 30 jobs he created take money away from Social Security. Of course, people in his district don't see the drop in benefits when they retire, because that part isn't advertised. Just the fact that he brought jobs to his district, so he must be a 'good' guy. Meanwhile, every other Senator is trying to do the same in his/her district, so the drop is noted as something else. The bottom line is that the public has been bribed, and doesn't even know it. World politics, or, how we get along with others is even worse. Even larger inflated egos because those folks 'represent' the wishes of an entire country.