Overthrow...check, Constitution...

BAGHDAD, Iraq - Shiite members of Iraq’s Governing Council refused to sign the interim constitution at the last minute Friday after the country’s top Shiite cleric rejected two clauses of the document, Iraqi officials said.

The sharply divided Governing Council agreed on the draft early Monday — three days past deadline — only after Bremer pushed them into intensive marathon sessions to overcome their differences. The Shiites’ move to reopen the debate throws into disarray the unity shown in that agreement.

It also highlights the power held by al-Sistani over U.S. attempts to transfer sovereignty to the Iraqis and end its occupation, which the Bush administration wants to accomplish well before November presidential elections. Opposition from al-Sistani has derailed U.S. plans twice in the past.

It's all going to be okay. This is a minor setback with one HUGE benefit...it their past, there would have been no re-working a done deal. It gives them more tastes of freedom