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how many of you out there used pacifiers with your kids? any thoughts on the subject?

we didn't use one with my firstborn, she was (and still is) content with sucking on her fingers.

with this boy, we couldn't calm him down - we fed him, changed him, rocked him, and nothing ... so we popped one in his mouth one day, and it worked wonders.
We did. It shut him up, temporarily. He quickly realized it wasn't a substitute for mom.
I never had brother did...sometimes...but it was always a last resort to try to shut him up...he spend pretty much his entire first 11months of life screaming his head off...then we got a Doc who wasn't a quake and found out he had had pretty much perma-ear infection since day one...
My first did till about 8 months...and my second wouldn't take it no matter what i did...and the third could really care less. I say if it makes him happy and of course you aren't using it to stave off demand feeding, go for it.
Two of mine used them, the rest didn't. I wouldn't use it til they need it, but if they do seem to need it, use it. I think each kid is different that way.
...and the pacifier will come in handy later in life should the kid go to a rave and pop a few E pills.
Ted spit it back out and looked at us like, WTF?

As long as they don't use it long enough to screw with their growing teeth or language skills, what's the porblem?
V2.0 used one that was a single piece of silicon, shield and nipple, with the ring shaped into a teether. Unfortunately, we couldn't get them for V3.0 (discontinued). V3.0 may have had one, but I couldn't tell you. I missed a lot of his first year.
Guess I was lucky, neither boys wanted them....

When my first was born the nurse took a nipple from a bottle and put a back on it and gave it to him, I got him, I THREW IT AWAY!
When we got him home, he found his thumb, sucked it for maybe 2 days and that was that.
Guess it depends on how old they are to. Sometimes they just want that security, nothing wrong with it, as long as they arent 1 1/2 - 2 yrs old walking around with it. That's my opinion anyway...
Professur said:
V2.0 used one that was a single piece of silicon, shield and nipple, with the ring shaped into a teether. Unfortunately, we couldn't get them for V3.0 (discontinued). V3.0 may have had one, but I couldn't tell you. I missed a lot of his first year.
I used the Gerber round one with the long round nipply thing, intentionally. I wanted them to know unequivocally that it was something different than the breast right from the start (just in case they had the brains of their father and the rubber didn't tip them off), figuring it'd be easier to take it away eventually, and I never had a problem getting rid of it with any of them.
My daughters used them, and the best way to get a recalcitrant babe to take one is to pop it in the freezer. My second wouldn't take one unless it was cold. :shrug:
Well my mom said that I used a pacifier up until the age of 2, after 2 then she took it away.

Here is my opinion on pacifiers....I work at a daycare...with 2 yr olds, and a few of them still have pacies (pacifier)....and the parents i dont think really care because the kids still have them. They are not allowed to bring them to work because the other kids that do not have their pacies will want them again. THere is also a little girl that i babysit occasionaly and she still has a pacifier. Sometimes i go over there at night to babysit her and before she goes to bed she wants her says it is up to me whether or not I want to give it to i dont. Because i think by that age, kids should get used to not having one..
The problem with that...they're pacifiers...something to make the kid shut-up. They're addictive as hell...which means that if you're using them to either a) get the kid off of breastfeeding or b) get the kid to fall asleep at night... eventually, you're going to have to take it awway from them so that they can fall asleep without the aid of a pacifier, or progress to real food, and that'll be tougher than if you hadn't introduced it in the first place.
We never introduced Javier to it...and the one time where he ended up with one in his mouth, because a friend's daughter thrust it at him like a knife to the face, he kinda nibbled at it for a second or two..decided that it didn't taste so good, and went back to eating his carrot sticks.
true, some parents use pacifiers to shut the kid up. to each his own, i guess. but, i swear, it felt like my son was on my breast 24 hours at a time ;) he seriously has a need to suck, even when he empties my breast, he still needs to suck. that's when the pacifier goes in. and i seriously doubt that he needs to suck 'cause he's hungry. the kid just turned 4 months, and he weighs in at a monster 18 pounds :D
kuulani said:
true, some parents use pacifiers to shut the kid up. to each his own, i guess. but, i swear, it felt like my son was on my breast 24 hours at a time ;) he seriously has a need to suck, even when he empties my breast, he still needs to suck. that's when the pacifier goes in. and i seriously doubt that he needs to suck 'cause he's hungry. the kid just turned 4 months, and he weighs in at a monster 18 pounds :D
have you tried frozen cabbage leaves? if your nipples get sore (no comments from the peanut gallery) just lay frozen cabbage leaves on them...(i kept a cabbage in the freezer at all times when i was nursing)...i know it sounds bizarre but i swear it works...something about the body heat thawing the cabbage exudes it's essential oils or some shit...but it works and is all natural so you don't have to worry about cross-contaminating junior :)
tonksy said:
have you tried frozen cabbage leaves? if your nipples get sore (no comments from the peanut gallery) just lay frozen cabbage leaves on them...(i kept a cabbage in the freezer at all times when i was nursing)...i know it sounds bizarre but i swear it works...something about the body heat thawing the cabbage exudes it's essential oils or some shit...but it works and is all natural so you don't have to worry about cross-contaminating junior :)

and if your nipples taste like cabbage maybe he won't wanna suck on them so much :lloyd: