Packers and Falcons

the Pack didn't bleed compared to the Dolts full scale hemmorhage:rolleyes:
that's for sure, i only caught bits and pieces of it but i never caught the colts looking good, better than the vikes tho :eek:
Won isn't exactly the word I'd use. Dominated. Crushed. Abused. Those are words I'd use. The first half looked like something out of a bad "B" flick.
i'm rooting for Oakland to win it all...they got fucked by the refs last year
Holy shit! I wouldn't have bet on that in a million years. I caught the last 7 minutes of clock time, and watched Favre turn it over 3 times in under 5 minutes. Geez.
he was trying to win the game by himself...from what i saw the receivers weren't catching anything even when he got it to them
All my friends say I should play football when I get to High School, but I don't really want to...
Football is just boring to me. That's why i'm on the computrer so much, most television is boring.
sanctioned organized teenage ground acquisition games of violence satisfies that delicious deep seated need to destroy something beautiful when your hormonal rages are the highest.
It doesnt work that way. Your mind is seeing the threats and violence on the screen and giving up little bits of adrenaline to sharpen your reflexes.... but thats only a part of it. The main goal is to get a physical burst activity load of adrenaline. It really cleans out the residual baggage in the system and helps to expel excess poisons and greatly reduce blood pressure and strengthen the overall effeciency of the system. It leads to less headaches and deeper sleep. It elevates depression in ways you cant believe.