Painful hands :(

Spent half hour cutting an Ax7 Heatsink with a hacksaw to replace the clip, now my hands are SORE and calliced:( tried rubbing with oil and used pain killers, still sore :( any home cooked remedies out there apart from chopping off my hands which might just result in more pain? :D
dudes, you are really cruel ;)

btw, vinegar can help with sunburns, it might not be that bad for this.
Tiger balm, cornhuskers lotion, Zim's Crack Cream, Icy Hot. Is this a surface pain in the way fiberglass would cause insane itching or deep muscular/tendon pain?
Wow, mum reccomended icy hot, she uses it fo her pinch nerve, worked well i may say! Was deep muscular pain and blistering due to the fins on the sink and a few cuts :eek:
ok.. a majority of your pain should be topical from the 'roadrash' effect. Clean up the wound, lance the blisters as best you can and clean with simple soap and water. Cover the whole area with Betadine or NuSkin. Half of your pain is probably stemming from a low grade surface infection as well as micro metallic power grinding away in the wound.
Have you dog, or someone else's dog lick'd be amazed what dog saliva can do for open wounds...fuckin' miraculous!
umm i dont advize oils and shit for sunburns, the reason your skin burns is because after you burn the top layer, the next few layers also burn, when this happens oils and shit just cause the heat to stay in! if you have a day at the beach or where ever and you figure you may burn .. put some damp towels in the freezer before you go and use them on you back/head/front .. it can really help how bad you burn is

dogs > wounds .. its awesome
Justintime said:
chopping off my hands which might just result in more pain? :D

I'd think buying a good HS would have been a better route
but go ahead and lop em' off.