

Well-Known Member

I just played a few rounds on Sunday, and I've got the bruises to prove it...and the sore legs (from all the crouching), and the sore back (from being shot by my own blind snipers), and pink paint in my goatee (from that great mask-shot that my bro-in-law gave me), and my sore wallet (from the $40 that it cost me)....I'm LOVING IT!

Just asking around to see if anyone else paintballs around here? Got your own gear or do you rent? Indoors or outdoors? Got nice pics of bruises?

Next time, gimme more that 3 days notice to find a victim...erm...babysitter. *pouts* I wanted to shoot at random strangers too, dammit!

Next time, I'm there, armed and dangerous :D
Camelyn said:
Next time, gimme more that 3 days notice to find a victim...erm...babysitter. *pouts* I wanted to shoot at random strangers too, dammit!

Next time, I'm there, armed and dangerous :D
Shooting at 12 year old kids wasn't as much fun as shooting at friends like you. We missed ya...but next time..we won't :D

I was sure that I'd given you more than 3 days though...hmmm.
I kinda like Airsoft, myself.
I want two of these semi-auto babies along with eight or so extra mags... Oh, the bliss.

Desert Eagle 50A.E
Kawaii said:
I kinda like Airsoft, myself.
I want two of these semi-auto babies along with eight or so extra mags... Oh, the bliss.
Nah...if I go Arisoft, I'm getting em one of these!!


Personally's not the look/feel of realism that I look for in the arms, but the actual strategy and implementation that gets me. I don't care if the gun looks like a water-pistol in neon colours, so long as it does shoot, and I can verify my hits.
paul_valaru said:
me wants to shoot random people too!!!!
A Christening! Feh!
Next'd better not be doing your hair or sumthin' :D

Count yourself in...hell, maybe I can even convince Prof.
MrBishop said:
A Christening! Feh!
Next'd better not be doing your hair or sumthin' :D

Count yourself in...hell, maybe I can even convince Prof.

now, do we shoot each other, or 12 year olds?
i did it once when i was stationed in pensacola...had a blast...the enlisted mess all went together to do it as celebration for 3 of us becoming petty officers...i had a heinous bruise on my left arm from it and a couple small ones peppered over my ribs but i loved it.
paul_valaru said:
now, do we shoot each other, or 12 year olds?
The rules are..if you get enough people to run the game by yourselves (12 people or so), you split up into 2 teams and have a go at each other. If you're 5-6 can form a team and go against whoever else is there. If you're only 3 people (like we were), you get moshed together with whoever else is there, split into equal teams and play that way.

I prefer the outdoor fields myself, that can play 12 on 12 or 20 on 20!!
used to play with a groups of cops. most were from their swat team. Hated that they never spoke. And i was always the sweeper. had too many bruises to count but loved the thrill.
samcurry said:
used to play with a groups of cops. most were from their swat team. Hated that they never spoke. And i was always the sweeper. had too many bruises to count but loved the thrill.
The two that I played with were my bro-in-law (fresh from Afghanistan) and Andrea (A cadet-corps leader and a range-prof). Andrea switched sides when one of the kids I played w/ and against her. She's a killer at covering fire, but not a good runner. :)

We didn't speak all that much though...too small a field and easy to give yourself away...mostly hand-signals and popping the finger over to the enemy :D I have some nice broken skin on my right hand 'twixt the thumb and forefinger, where a ball hit me as I gave some kid the finger :p

Bloody good whot considering that the balls go left/right/up/down based on whim instead of aim.
Kawaii said:
If only paintball looked like this... :mope:

(Yeah, i'm bored)
Nah...This --->

Can you imagine... 100 vs 100, capture the flag...on a 20x20 acre field with the works!!!

Kick Ass ToY!!!!
Laurie plays paintball fairly regularly. I've seen some nasty bruises on her from them. I didn't get any pictures though, and now that I'm 2 hours away I might never. Bummer.

She always had interesting paintball stories, though.
I played a few times with the guys from work and didnt like it because of the archaic technology back then. My mask went to 100% fog the instant I put it on... even after a no-fog treatment. Also, the gun was about as innacurate as a news media straw poll. At 50 feet there was a 15 foot circle that the balls could have ended up in. They were whizzing all over the place and dropping like stones. The guns were only as usefull as indirect artillery fire... but to be fair ... twas a smoothbore rental. It irritated me that a team full of adults becomes a willy nilly pack of 3 y/o's incapable of simple orders, tactics, or checking their target. The concept of ambush and aim doesnt exist ... forget even trying to tell them to hold a given area.

I do remember an old LA Law episode where the meek accountant lawyer of the firm turned out to be an insanely savage compettitor in paintball. I think he took like 36 people out.