
i went last year with about 30 people. i know maybe 10 of them, it was absolutely brilliant.
it was part of a weekend session back home - i arrived at my mates at 5pm, started drinking, finished at 5am [50 bottles of beer, a bottle of wine and bottle of vodka between 4 of us]. up at 7.30, paintball my 9-10am.
hangovers at 12
home, watch rugby eat pizza drink beer at 7, clubbing back at 2am
up at 9 go to gym, 6pm play football.

the paintball was great, our team thrashed the crap of the other guys but the bruises i had were mental. i was shot pointblank in the back, broke the skin bigtime, blood, bruise the size of hand. headbang

fuckin' great, i'd go again anytime! cool

me and my bro just just bought markers. spent like 600 bucks each. O well ther bad ass they shoot like 10 balls a second :gun4: nobody can toutch us they just cower in the bushes. Its kinda fun to run off 15 or so guys. :p hunting them down and shooting them while they try to hide behind a 11' tree.
Flag i dont need no stinken Flag :hmm:
what i would have given for a gun that fired at that kind of speed! would have been sweet to pound someone at 10/s, it's bad enough when you turn and fire, and then keep firing with a regular paintball gun :D
if you get hit then you know about it. my back was the worst injury of all of us, i got hit on the ribs, twice on the thigh and once on the front of my shoulder. bizarre as it sounds the best place to get hit is right between the eyes - the mask absorbs the impact and you get no bruise!

it is a wicked laugh, especially with people you know :D
Yeah ... mwuuhaahaahaa ... I know a few people I would love to get with a paintball *rubbing hands together evilly*
I was invited to go play with about 20 people from work next weekend, but I'm already committed to going to a huge day long cookout/beerfest with some other friends of mine. :(
used to play quite a bit. the guys i played with were all police officers. made it difficult for me cause they used hand signals and shit. I was their sweeper, send in the civie and let him draw them out:) Id have to run and and just open fire on any and everything and they would snipe them out. it was great fun but man when you start getting hit by a bunch of balls it gets sore after a few times.